.99. Wishing On Stars

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Today was the day that I put my money where my mouth is. I played this proposal over and over again in my head. Most of the time she says yes but my nerves get the best of me in some of the scenarios. There was a lot going through my mind and it all seemed to make my stomach upset.

But I pull myself together. For the first time in a long time we actually dressed up. She does her makeup and her hair like she likes it. It's the first time in a while since she actually got to make herself up the way she likes. She didn't need to do anything to be beautiful but she still liked doing makeup and hair. It was a art show for her and she was a damn good artist. She didn't wear makeup for anyone but herself, that's why it looks so good all the time. I couldn't wait to actually be able to go out and feel human again. Though I'm sure we're going to miss Stella within the first few minutes.

We tell our baby goodbye and leave her with my parents. They were actually going to bring her and meet us for the proposal but I had to set the mood first.

This proposal was kind of intercut for timing was everything. The plan was to go out on the boat and ride into the waterways within the city. Usually my boat doesn't go under bridges and stuff but I got it modified to fit. Our friends and family were supposed to be on the DuSable bridge giving the perfect background of the city. If I plan things right they get to toss some biodegradable confetti on us as we go under the bridge and by the time we come out on the other side hopefully she will be my fiancé.

So I grab my beautiful girlfriend and we go out on the boat. I had red wine and sushi out like the first time we came out on this boat. Though almost everything has changed since then. Hopefully she isn't still thinking about throwing herself overboard too.

"I can't believe how full circle this has become" she smiles.

"Crazy isn't it? Though I was thinking we could go through the city this time around. Make some new memories" I insist.

"That sounds lovely" she admits.

So we go off into the city and we had a little while before we got to DuSable. We just sit and talk and take pictures. It's been quite a while since we had a date, it was long over due. But I think this date will make up for lost time.

We get to the bridges so I pack some stuff away. I grab the ring from the cockpit and hold on to it for dear life. I know how much this ring means to Hannah and Celeste, to Ray too. And as of tonight it meant a lot to me.

I walk back out and find Celeste hanging over the side of the boat just watching the city. It was absolutely breathtaking down here. Even though it's November now it was still quite warm. She could enjoy the breeze out over the water and it not bother her.

A deep sigh passes my lips as I close my eyes. I feel the fall air on my skin just taking it in. Wanting to remember everything about this moment.

I walk over as we approach the bridge. If she spots everyone then the surprise is pretty much ruined. So I clear my throat and she turns around. We meet in the middle of the boat as she rests her hand on my arm.

"Baby are you okay? You look uneasy" she claims as she rubs my arm. Nothing gets past this woman, I swear.

"I was just thinking" I start.

"About" she wonders.

I look around at the candles and flowers spread about the boat. All the things that came together for us to be here tonight. I realize there was no such thing as a perfect moment. But this was as close as it was going to get.

"I was thinking about us, our future" I claim.

"What about it" she questions.

"I think we should find a house. A nice big house that will have enough room for our love. Our dreams. Someplace where after a long day away from the house and each other we can go and feel right at home. No matter what when we walk through those doors our problems are no longer a problem because we have each other" I say.

"A house would be nice" she agrees.

"But before that happens I have a question for you" I say as I turn to her.

"And what is that" she asks.

I look up at the approaching bridge and all the air gets sucked out of my lungs. It feels like time stops as I get lost in her big blue eyes.

Here goes nothing.

I drop down to one knee and pull the ring out of my hand. Celeste immediately knew what was happening as she lets out a loud gasp. My shaky hands hold on to the ring for dear life as I try not to mess this up.

"Celeste, I know life hasn't treated you kind even though you have been nothing but true and dedicated. You have given so much it's about time you get. So I want to give you the rest of my life, all my good and my bad, and my last name. Though marriage doesn't mean what it used to it can mean something new. Just as this journey we have been on is nothing but new. And it can continue to be like this, even better.

That is, of course, if you're ready for this next step and this is 100 percent what you want" I insist.

"You still haven't asked me" she sniffles and I laugh. Of course. This wouldn't be easy with her.

"Callie, the person who made me believe in wishing on stars, will you marry me" I ask.

"Of course" she cries.

I take my shaky hands and slowly get the ring on her hand. She takes one look at it making her eyebrows reach the top of her head. "Is this my mother's ring" she asks.

"It was her idea. I didn't feel right taking it from her knowing what it meant to her and her husband. But she assured me that that ring represents our love perfectly just as it did theirs" I explain.

"It's perfect" she smiles.

The next second I see the confetti come down and I knew we made it to the bridge. I hear our friends and family let out a holler as they continue to toss the confetti down onto us. Celeste laughs as she holds out her hands catching some of the dissolvable paper I her hands. She turns to me as happy as I have seen her since Stella was born. As we get under the bridge she pulls me into a long kiss that takes us until we get out on the other side. We look up and wave to everyone who came out. Her mom made it just in time since they were in the school year and she couldn't miss much. But Hannah being here made this all the better.

I wrap my arm around Celeste as she rests her head on my chest. I give her a good squeeze as she nestled in. And now the rest of our forever behind.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now