.87. Godmother

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We had a friends and family baby shower at the beginning of the month and now that it's closer to the end Carmen throws us a baby shower with the football and baseball girls. I pretty much had everything I needed but I am not turning away anything that helps.

So they rent out a nice place full of grey, rose gold and gold balloons. We decided we needed a little more than grey black and white and there was a lot of calming blankets and toys in these colors so that's what we went with. We didn't want to make it too hard for people to find things for her. Plus it helps me sleep a little better as a interior designer knowing it won't be too many different colors running around the room. And I wanted to stay away from just the normal pink because that was so predictable but rose gold is going to have to do.

"Look at you, just glowing" Carmen says as she grabs my hands.

I didn't have a lot of people in this life I trusted with anything. In fact it's three people. My mom, Anthony and Carmen. She's seen me through it all, the good and the bad. The only reason I was able to get back on my feet and not be so overwhelmed is because she helped me. Gave me the clothes off her back when I needed it and was a genuine friend in my time of need. Even when I got better she was always there. She was one of the first people I told about Stella and she already volunteered to help me out when Anthony was away. And I was hoping she would jump at my offer.

"Hey Car. You're looking mighty good yourself. When do I get to throw you one of these" I ask.

"Sometime soon hopefully. I still want a little bit of stability but if it happens it happens. In the mean time I will happily be stealing your baby every chance you give me" she smiles.

"Good. Because I have a offer for you and I feel like you would enjoy it" I say.

"And what's that" she wonders.

"Anthony and I wanted to see if you and Jordan would be the godparents to Ste-" I start. But I get cut off by excited squeals and a lot of commotion.

"Yes! Yes yes a hundred times yes" she says as she jumps up and down. I laugh as I watch this girl who was more like a sister than anything lose her mind.

"At least I know my little girl will never have a shortage of love" I tease.

"Oh she is the going to love her time with her Auntie. We're going to go on play dates and Jordan can bring her to the field and teach her how to run a route. It's going to be a lot of fun" she insists.

"I can't wait" I smile.

The party gets started and I walk around to thank people for coming. Though I see the baseball girls every day it is still nice to see them here and hear their baby stories. I've had a lot of time to let this all sink in and think it over and I am more than ready to be a mommy. To hold my baby in my arms and know that if someone was to point a gun at her im jumping in front of it.

"I have a toast" Anthony announces as he stands up from the table. I hide my face in my hands because he pulled this same shit at the other baby shower but then ended up saying "I'm so happy to be this woman's baby daddy" then sitting back down. Though this time alcohol has not been involved these were his friends too so I can only imagine what words would pass his lips.

"Anthony" I plead.

"Don't worry babe, I know what I'm doing" he claims.

The room falls silent as everyone turns their attention to Anthony. I pray over and over again I don't have to tell my daughter that her dad ruined two baby showers with his speeches.

"First and foremost I want to say thank you all for coming. I know a lot of us are in season or about to be in season so you being here means a lot to us. We know welcoming a child into this world isn't going to be easy but looking around it really does take a village to raise a child. And if that's true I know my daughter will grow up to be the best. 

But we're not here to hear me brag about how great my daughter is here. No. You're here to listen to me brag about this wonderful woman right here" he says as he places his hand on my head. "Many of you guys know Celeste well, but I know her better than anyone. And she would rather not have this because she doesn't like the attention. She would rather talk about anything besides herself which I love because my favorite thing is to talk about it her. We really cancel each other out.

And before the baby gets her and she can successful shift all of everyone's focus into our little bundle of joy I want to make sure everyone knows how amazing of a woman she is. Callie I know you're going to make a incredible mother and I can't wait to go on this journey with you" he says.

I pull him into a quick kiss and I feel his lips pull into a smile. At least I got a good one.

After spending more time than what was allowed at the convention center we pack up and head home. Anthony and I start to put things away in the babies room just trying to keep up with it all. I think physically we were more than ready. Now we wait.

I grab the panda that Anthony got me for my birthday last year that despite being used a lot it was still in great shape. I put it in the crib next to the other toys we got and I smile to myself. It didn't really fit in with the theme but I didn't want it to. I knew this was going to be the toy that she keeps forever. She can listen to her dad every time she missed him. It'll remind her that this live we have defies space and time. It's the celestial kind of love that will last forever.

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