.61. Opening Day

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As April starts that means one thing and one thing only.


Now I wasn't that much of a baseball girl growing up. My mom had a Ichiro jersey being from Seattle but my favorite sport was actually soccer. I played it for years and I actually was pretty good. I won state in high school twice for girls soccer and got a handful of scholarships. Ultimately I gave up on all of that and followed James around like a dog but that is what I knew and loved growing up. Not football or baseball, but soccer.

But I was excited for this season. I had a sense of pride watching Anthony play in the spring training games, and to be at Wrigley field as a part of the organization was a honor. It was historical and fun and filled with life. Not that soilder field isn't, since Chicago stadium turned into the United Center the and the Bears did major renovations in 2003 Wrigley remains the last of the untouched. And Wrigley has the ivy and the concerts and so much more to it. The bleachers are iconic, the beer, the food, the organ. From what I hear, there isn't anything better than a hot summer day at Wrigley.

So I pull on my personalized jacket from a good friend who made all my Bears stuff for me throughout the years. She was a visionary, I hope to be half as creative as her in my work. And she hooked me up all the time, from play offs to rivalry games she had something unique and fun for me to wear. Since she did so good I stayed loyal and now I got some cute new things for the baseball season. Since April in the Midwest usually means the 60's she made me a Jean jacket with a bunch of really cool patches. I got Anthony's name and number on the back along with some things that represent him, represent us. It turned out amazing and I'm sure I'll be asking for some more of these.

"Look at you" Anthony says with a deep breath. "You look beautiful, as usual" he smiles.

"Thank you baby" I say as I pull him into a kiss. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for the game. I'm gonna get a beer and a hot dog and maybe even yell some bad words" I claim making him laugh.

"Don't have too much fun without me" he insists.

"I'll save some fun for after the game" I say lowly as he smirks.

"Will you now" he teases as he wraps his arm around me.

"I will" I promise.

He heads off to the field to get ready for all the opening day celebrations. I grab my purse and head to a bar outside of Wrigley to meet some of the girls. I find Jess and Paige sitting by the bar and I join them. They pull me into a huge hug and I find myself thanking god I wasn't dreading game days anymore. It's easier to fear 16 games than 162.

"Okay I need a jacket like this! It is too cute, where did you get it" Paige wonders.

"I have a friend who makes my personalized items for me. She does it a lot but if I let her know that you're interested she's good at getting back to people. I can give you her number and she would love to do more Cubs pieces. She said she had a lot of fun with this one so I know she'll do a bunch more" I insist.

"Yes please" she cheers.

So I give her and Jess Amy's number before we grab a few drinks. No one was really here yet but a bunch of the girls got together before hand. Today was the first day of a very very long season and I was ready to have some fun. Make some memories and hope my anxiety is gone for a while.

After a few beers we head over to the field. We got seats by the bench for opening day to see them all stand out there and get introduced. They put in a lot of work in spring training and they looked good from the little knowledge I have of baseball. I couldn't wait to actually be cheering for someone I like. It's been a while.

"Alright, picture time ladies" Seiko announces and I sigh.

I always hated taking pictures, never cared much for my image and I wasn't interested in seeing how unhappy I was on top of feeling it. When I was a soccer player I was well built, had good leg muscles and a tight core. That was the last time I actually loved what I saw when I looked in the mirror. And while I was still working on eating right and trying to become head strong again it's taking time. I still feel like I'm bone thin and I hated it. Thanks to Anthony I'm feeling a lot better but putting on weight wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

"Hey Callie, you okay" Jess wonders as she placed her hand on my arm. Her eyes laced with concern as she stares at me.

"Yeah. I just... I'm not a fan of pictures" I admit.

"Me neither. Someone always seems to have something to say about images. You're not pretty enough, thin enough, short enough, strong enough.

But no matter what they tell me I know I am enough. Kris tells me every day that those people can keep the hate while we swim in our love. And that's what gets us through" she explains.

I smile as I nod my head. I was so thankful to have someone as wise as her around. You would think that someone this nice would be walked all over but her and Kris have it figured out. I'm still finding my way but with such a great group of girls by my side I think I'll find it.

We take a bunch of pictures and they send them out. I'll upload them once I get some pictures of Anthony and I after the game. I wanted the whole experience in before I commit to a few pictures.

The game comes and goes and I cheer obnoxiously loud every time Anthony was on the field. No one judged or laughed, instead they cheered with me and I felt like I belonged out here among the fans. I was one of them after all.

Finally I get to go find my hunky baseball player down on the field after the game. I jump into his arms as he catches me easily. He spins around a few times before I lift my head up.

"That was so much fun" I smile down at him as he smiles back.

"You enjoyed that" he asks.

"More than you know" I insist.

I pull him into a long kiss as his grips on me tighten. I can feel my heart beating against my chest as I get lost in the moment.

"I hope you still have some of that fun left in you" he smirks.

"You know it" I promise.

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