.68. Check Up

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After figuring some things out four our future and where we stand here in the present Celeste and I arrive at her appointment to see what's going on with the baby. We didn't know much, we had some speculation as to when this could have all started but birth control can be tricky. And pretty unreliable at this point.

So she does the lady stuff part of the appointment and insists I don't want to be in there during that. And she was probably right, it looked like they had torture tools lined up and I don't think I could stomach all of that. So I wait patiently outside the room and read some magazines about being a dad in the mean time.

I've had a few days to let this sink in and wrap my head around being a father. Luckily for me I had a great dad in my life and he is still around. I didn't know what to think but I was excited and I couldn't wait to look into my babies eyes knowing I would do anything for it. It was unexpected for sure but I truly believed I was ready for this. I have money saved up for a new car that is kid friendly and the apartment was easily baby proofed. I couldn't wait to start looking at clothes and cribs and toys. Seeing Celeste and our baby up in the stands, I can only imagine what such a feeling would be like. I just wanted this to be as easy for her as possible.

After about 30 minutes I'm let back in. They had the machine all ready to look at our little baby making me smile like an idiot. I sit down next to Celeste and grab her hand. She smiles at me letting me know everything is going well and she was healthy. Finally we get to the good part.

They put the little camera on her stomach and look around for a few seconds. Quickly the nurse finds a heartbeat and I smile as the steady beat sounds through the monitor. She finds the baby safely curled up and I feel my eyes start to well. The smile on my face was huge as I try to fight the tears, but I lose that battle quickly. For a moment everything stops and all I can see is that monitor with this little thing I loved more than anything and it had no idea.

"The baby is a nice size, has fingers and toes starting show. From the exam and this picture I'm going to say you're almost 11 weeks already" she says and my eyebrows shoot up.

"But I'm not even showing" Callie says.

"First time mothers don't usually start showing until their second trimester which is 12 weeks. And by then your symptoms should calm down a little too and it'll be a little more enjoyable" the nurse says.

"Oh, that sounds nice" she smiles.

"Would you guys like pictures" the nurse asks.

"Yes please" Callie insists.

So we get the pictures and schedule another check up. 40 weeks put her due at the beginning of November so we have some time to figure things out. First and foremost my focus is making sure Celeste is comfortable and that the baby is safe. Then we can worry about the little things.

After the doctors appointment we go back to the apartment. There was a lot of packets to go through and some things we needed to figure out like where we want to have the baby and insurance and all the fun stuff. But at least for a little while we were just going to enjoy the knowledge that the baby is safe and we can start planning.

"How do you want to tell people" I wonder as she lets out a soft sigh.

"Don't get mad... but I'm not sure I want to tell anyone yet" she claims as I shake my head.

"You don't want to tell people" I question.

"I mean we can tell our families, I want to wait until the next appointment when I'm in the second trimester and things are a little bit more sure to tell them. I don't want to tell them and they get excited than something happen. We'll know more after the next visit and that's only two weeks away.

But when it comes to other people... I'm not comfortable telling them until I can't hide it anymore" she says.

"I respect that. But can I ask why" I wonder.

She doesn't say anything as she stares at the ground. I wasn't going to force this out of her but if it's bothering her I need to know. "Come here" I insist as I pull her into my arms. I can feel how tense she was and I hated it.

"You know how there was that article that was going around saying that I was trapping you" she mumbles.

"It already gotten taken down" I assured her.

"I know, but thousands of people saw it. And once those people who saw it sees that we are having a kid together what stops them from spreading more lies" she asks me.

I was afraid that was gonna come back and bite us in the ass. Even with that blog gone it's still eating at her. She couldn't just live this life peacefully because she will always have someone in her ear telling her she's not good enough. I just have to be louder telling her there is nothing to worry about.

"Last time I checked I was the one fully on board for this baby so if anything I'm trapping you" I tease as she starts to giggle. "But seriously, babe, the only thing I am feeling at this moment is happy. I cannot wait to have this baby and when the time is right I will tell the world that. And they will have to listen to us because it's our life and if they want to know what's happening we will tell them" I say.

"What are we telling them" she asks.

"That we are in love and we're starting our family. And this family might be a little misunderstood but we're whole and strong and we can do this. Our baby will grow up to know nothing but love, dreams, and happiness. And it will know that because we will make sure of it" I promise.

"Alright" she sighs. "You're right. We'll be fine. But I still want to wait. Let's get closer to finding the gender and all of that then we will let the world know."

"Okay. And I have a idea to tell our families after the next appointment" I insist.

"Of course you do" she laughs.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now