.14. In Town Rivals

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Now that we're into almost into July talks of football was starting up. A lot of the bigs ramp up workouts this month then get ready for training camp next month. James just signed a big deal last year that keeps him here for seven more years and unless something shocking happens he was a Bear for the foreseeable future. That's what he wanted and what the fans wanted so almost everyone was happy with the deal. Almost.

And as a part of the Bears and being such a pivitol part of the city he gets invited to things a lot. In the summer the biggest sporting events in the city were the Cubs VS White Sox games. Chicago vs Chicago in the great city they represent. So many people picking sides and it's fun to see who comes out on top.

With such a important game for this city James was asked to throw out the first pitch. And usually I hate being his arm candy at these things, like when he did shoot the puck at a Blackhawks game or get thrown into the kiss cam at a Bulls game. But I haven't been able to watch Anthony play and I was kind of excited to see him do his thing. I know he's one of the better players, James was actually a fan of his. But I'm sure that's going to change sometime soon.

So I pull on a sox jersey with James' name and number on the back. We get to the field early so he can meet players from both teams and take pictures and trade some stuff. He was a collector of things like a jersey from Tom Brady and shoes from Derrick Rose. He was a well respected athlete no matter people's personal opinion of him and he's gotten some cool stuff from it.

We get down on the field and I take a long look around. Anthony had no idea I was going to be here but I usually don't come out of the apartment with James unless I absolutely had to. But I was excited to be able to see Anthony today.

Finally he comes out the dugout and walks over to the crowd of people. He nearly trips when he sees me standing there talking to one of James' many many assistants he crarried around. He was off doing pictures and interviews so I step to the side. Anthony comes over and looks me up and down.

"I know you have to wear this, but it still hurts" Anthony jokes as I giggle.

"I don't know, I thought I always looked good in black" I tease.

"I think you would look better in my jersey. Not that you don't look good now. No one has ever looked better in a baseball jersey. I was just trying to say- am I rambling" he asks making me laugh.

"A little yeah, but I think it's funny" I assure him.

"I don't want your husband coming after me. I could take him but I'm not sure that would be the best scene" he claims.

"I wouldn't worry too much about him. He's in the spotlight and that usually blinds him. He'll ask me about it later on when we get home but for now all the attention is on him including his own" I assure him.

"Well I'm glad you finally made it to a game. I'm gonna have to play good now" he says.

"You should always want to play good" I tease.

"I do. But I want to do better now that you're here" he smirks.

"Modest" I joke.

"I try" he laughs.

Eventually James steps off his high horse and joins me in my mingling. He introduces himself to a few of the Cubs players that had gathered and it was more than obvious Anthony didn't like him. His eyes glared right through him the whole time. I bite my tongue not wanting to cause a scene but Anthony was not making it easy.

Finally they go off to warm up leaving me with James and his team. He watches Anthony leave before walking away.

"What's his problem" he asks me.

"I'm not sure" I say trying to hide the fear in my voice. This can't be how this happens.

"You know I saw him at a bar once earlier this year and I swear he was giving me that same look. I don't think he likes me" he claims.

"Why wouldn't he like you" I wonder.

"Because I have you" he claims and my eyes get big. I swear my heart was about to jump right out of my chest. "Every guy is jealous. Your the best looking wife in Chicago by far" he claims and I let out a sigh of relief. A misogynistic one but a sigh of relief nonetheless.

I walk out with him before he throws out the first pitch. He honestly got more cheers than a lot of the sox player but did so did many of the Cubs players. They're coming off a championship and James went back to back in 2014-2015. Then the Cubs in 2016 and the Blackhawks won in 2010, 2013, and 2015 it's been a lot of good tests for these sports teams. I'm sure I would have enjoyed them a lot more if the circumstances were any different.

But they're not.

We retreat to the box where he goes off and acts like god and I stand by the food table not allowed to have any of it. By the fifth inning he comes back and we just relax as we watch the game. All of the sudden I hear a loud crack as the crowd roars. I see Anthony's run turns into a walk as the ball leaves the field. He hit a home run to take the lead and James lets out a grunt. It's sad how much I enjoyed the anger this brought him, especially since it came from Anthony.

As he rounds third base his eyes come up to the boxes as he smiles. He returns his focus to his team that congratulated him and I do everything in my power to hold in my smile.

"I don't like the way he looks at you" James tells me.

"What do you want me to do about it? Because you're the only reason so much effort goes into my appearance in the first place" I remind him.

"I just don't like it" he claims.

"Stop stressing, okay? We just met today, it's not like you and I who has been together for over a decade" I assure him.

"I guess you're right" he sighs. "But I still don't like that guy. He's got a problem and I sure would like to fix it."

"Just leave him. This isn't your sport. If he turns up at camp and challenges you to some drill then have at it. If not we leave here and it's like nothing happened" I insist.

"Fine" he mumbles.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now