.57. Jealousy

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It comes to the end of February and I was getting excited about being at spring training. I was worried about what I would do when Anthony was off murdering baseballs but I was actually enjoying myself. After my school work was finished I was free. I had total freedom of what I could do, I could see who I wanted to see and go where I wanted to go. Eat anything I like and I was never worried about what Anthony was going to say. He always asks me about my day and I always tell him I had fun but I was more than happy that he was back in my arms.

Now the MLB season wasn't like the NFL season, for there is only 16 games in that season. The MLB has 162 games and therefore we will be around each other a lot longer than I was with football. There's going to be a lot of games I won't make it to or days I'll be without him. So I wanted to make some friends and have someone who understands what I'm going through with him gone all the time.

This afternoon I meet up with Yu Darvish's wife Seiko who was also new around here. And not new to baseball but new to the Cubs. She knew a lot of English being a former professional volleyball player and Yu was still working on his English but he was trying his best. Anthony loved him but Anthony loved most everyone who comes through this team from what I can tell.

"You said you're working for interior designing right" she asks me as she welcomes me into her house they were staying in. Her husband got quite the contract coming here so they got a beautiful house in Mesa. I wouldn't want to leave this place ever again.

"I am! I should be finished up at the end of August and there's so many great places in Chicago I would love to work at so hopefully I can find a job there" I insist.

"Yu and I just found our apartment in the city but we would love to have someone make it a little more homey and design it. There's no furniture or anything like that and I'm supposed to be figuring all of that out but I don't know where to start" she explains.

"You don't want a professional" I ask her.

"That not it, we would just rather keep it in house. And Anthony showed Yu what you were doing to his place and he loved it. This is far from my forte so I would love your opinion" she insists.

"I would be honored! Do you have pictures of the apartment" I wonder.

"I do! Let's take a look" she insists.

So we pull out her laptop and look through the pictures. Not that long ago I would have been so jealous of all of this. Of her love for her husband, of the trust he has in her to plan out their lives, of the life she lives even though we were practically living the same one with my life being far worse. And jealousy is a nasty disease that only hurts the person who feels it. But I really couldn't help but feel like I should have been happy too. I looked around and I was the only person in the room who didn't want to be there and that's why I was jealous. The other girls could leave if they wanted to, go grab a beer or take pictures with each other. I wasn't allowed to have that.

Sitting here at the Darvish's reminds me of what I wanted so bad. I look around and this was the life I thought I was going to live when James made all those promises to me. And I'm finally getting out of that horrible mindset and I'm happy to help a friend get everything she wants and not feel jealous any longer.

"Honestly your new home is beautiful. Are you looking at a minimalist theme or old fashion or any kind of aesthetic" I wonder.

"I'm thinking a modern sleek. We want something that has some Japanese culture in it as well as American. I know it's hard to get all the different color blacks to match up but it makes it easier to find things if I'm just looking for black" she chuckles.

"That's my favorite honestly. Of course Anthony wanted a old style country home because he likes to think he's country. But I do have a couple of ideas for you from what I'm doing in school. We can look at those" I assure her.

"I would love to" she smiles.

We look over some furniture and decorations and blinds and I think we found something like what she was looking for. She orders what she wants and has it shipped to their place in Chicago. We were here for a while but that wasn't going to stop her from getting their place done. It'll be nice if by the time she gets back it's all done and she won't have to worry about a thing. And it was nice to get a little practice in as I move on in my studies.

After spending the afternoon together and coaxing her into spending a crap ton of money I let her be. Her and Yu had date night tonight so she can get ready in peace. I return to the condo Anthony and I are staying in and decide to take a nice long bath. I find a bath bomb that's good for the skin and the environment and jump on in. I had a glass of red wine with me as I play Anthony's playlist. I nearly fall asleep before I hear the door open.

"I found you" Anthony cheers as I sit up a little.

"I wasn't hiding" I giggle.

"I know. But I couldn't find you even though the car is here. I was worried until I heard the music and figured you were relaxing" he admits.

"I was until you showed up" I tease.

"Do you want me to leave" he asks as he points to the door.

"No" I beg as I grab his hand. "Why don't you join me?"

"I'm all nasty from practice" he reminds me.

"A perfect reason to wash up" I smirk.

So he quickly sheds his clothes before joining me. He slips in across from me as he smiles like a idiot. He lifts one of my legs before softly massaging it and I almost fall asleep.

"Did you have a good day with Sieko" he wonders.

"I really did. She is super sweet and her English is so good" I admit.

"She was so excited to hang out with you according to Yu. He said she talked about it all night" he tells me and I smile.

"Well I'm happy we got to spend the day together. I made a new friend and got in some practice. And now it's my favorite part of the day which is when you come home" I admit.

"I missed you too" he teases. "You know you're a lot prettier than the guys. But Kris is a close second" he jokes.

"What I honor" I laugh.

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