.41. First Date

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While the divorce process takes its course and Celeste take control of her life once again I find myself in a situation I wasn't sure I was ever going to get to. As I prepare for this date tonight I didn't know what think or what to say to her. After everything we've been through what do I say to her?

I change into the nicest pair of jeans I had and a nice burgundy sweatshirt. I make my hair curly and apply a good amount of cologne. Once I decided I look good enough I pick up some flowers and head over to pick up Celeste.

As far as the date goes I wasn't sure what to do at first. So I called her mom and I get a few good ideas. November was one of her favorite months and so I figured a pumpkin patch date would be fun and we can do a romantic hay rack ride and pick out pumpkins. They had animals you can hang out with and a bunch of homemade food to try. I figured it was laid back and it wouldn't be too much for her. She is still trying to figure out things she likes and dislikes and I wanted her to see all that on her own. I don't want her to like something because I liked it, I wanted her to know what she wants and never question it. This is a step.

When I approach the door I feel the nerves get the best of me. Why? I wasn't really sure. I know she loves me and I know I make her happy. I just... I needed this to be good so we can start off on the right foot and have something solid to build upon. Well more solid I guess.

Once I muster up enough courage I knock on the door and it opens up quickly. I see Celeste standing there but I wasn't prepared for what I was going to see.

She had her hair cut short and gotten some lighter color in there. I believe they're called highlights if it's what she was talking about last week. Whatever it was it made her whole demeanor glow. Her eyes were a brighter blue, like the sky in the summer instead of a storm in the spring. And her smile was real, it wasn't forced and honestly it took my breath away. She looked stunningly perfect and I felt like the luckiest man in the world.

"Callie I don't even know what to say. You look... just wow" I admit.

"The hair isn't too much" she wonders.

"No. I actually kind of like this better, it suits you well" I insist.

"Well thank you" she smiles.

"Here" I say handing her the flowers. "I got these for you because they're beautiful just like you. But now I see they hardly do you any justice."

Her cheeks grow red as she takes the flowers from me. She takes a long inhale through her nose as she breathes in the flowers. I watch her like I was going to be quizzed on how many times she blinks a minute. But I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her small frame in light wash jeans and a gold sweatshirt complimenting mine just perfectly.

"Are you ready" she asks.

"Ready for what" I wonder completely forgetting everything I was supposed to do.

"For the date" she giggles as I mentally face palm. Real smooth Anthony, real smooth.

"Yeah, let's go" I assure her.

So she puts the flowers in her room before we take off outside of the city. Jordan recommended this place and said "girls love this kind of shit" so between him and Hannah I was feeling good about this pick as a site for the date. Before we go look at pumpkins and do the hay rack ride I decide to get us some food. They had Mac and cheese made from goat milk and fresh doughnuts you can watch them make. Not the healthiest of dinners but they were must try. So we order two of each and find a place to eat. We try each thing and I have to admit it was good. I was skeptical of the goat milk but I actually kind of prefer it.

"We should get some goats" she claims and I laugh at her.

"Where in Chicago can we keep goats" I ask her.

"In the apartment, duh" she smirks making me shake my head.

"Right. Because we're goat experts now" I joke.

"We can figure it out! I'm sure the goat would love to come to Cubs games" she tries.

"Eh, goats and the Chicago Cubs have a rough history, I think we should keep any and all goats away from there. We don't need another curse, we just got rid of one" I chuckle.

"Fine. But I still think a pet goat is a great idea" she insists.

"Of course you do" I shake my head.

We eat all the food that was on our plate and get a few more doughnuts for the road. Once we were full we go to the hay rack ride to relax for a little. She sits right next to me as they take us around the pumpkin patch. Since it was a little later after Halloween a lot of the pumpkins were picked but there's still quite a few good ones out there. I can feel a few pairs of eyes on us and I pray that no one says anything.

After we get back to the front they let us off and we were on a search for the perfect pumpkins. And I'm not talking about it being completely symmetrical and the same color or orange all over, I'm talking perfect in the way we want just that pumpkin.

I find my pumpkin easily because it kinda looked like the Cubs c was on the side it rolled into. But Celeste was having a little bit more of a difficult time. She wasn't ready to commit to a pumpkin quite yet and that's okay. She was being careful and there is nothing wrong with that.

Finally she picks a little one because it was small like her. We get back to the front where we clean off the pumpkins and get to take them with us. So I purchase the pumpkins and we get a few little gourds to go with them too. Before we leave Celeste insists we get pictures together with the pumpkins which was a surprise. Even though we don't have to hide anymore she still wasn't a fan of pictures. She says the make her feel fake and I don't blame her. Everything comes with a filter nowadays and it's hard to know what's real and what's fake. But she really wanted one of us with our pumpkins and I wasn't going to deny her that. So a kind stranger takes our picture and we thank them a bunch. We head back to my car where sadly this amazing date was coming to a end.

"Not to be dramatic or anything but that was the best day of my life" she claims. "Well. Second to my mom finding out she didn't have cancer."

"I'll take second" I smirk.

"So does this mean there will be more dates" she wonders.

"If that's what you would like, all of our days can be like this" I promise.

"I would love that" she smiles.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now