.29. Weather The Storm

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It's been over a week since I last saw or talked to Celeste. But to be honest it felt like forever. I missed her more than I could ever put into words. Just to look into her eyes again would make me the happiest man in the world. I tried. I tried so hard to let her go, to forget about her and move on. But how can I move on when she was my world? Where do I move on to from that?

When it rains it pours here in the city and it was pouring pretty good. But I still thought going out was a good idea, just to walk and get my mind off of things. With us in the post season again my mind should be on that but it's not. It's really not.

I end up in front of Celeste's building she lives in and stare up at their window. A light was on so I know she was home. There was a Bears game later today in Chicago so James is off getting ready, it was just her. If her building wasn't secured I would go right up there and tell her that this can't be how our story ends, after everything we've been through, after she shared herself with me we can't just give up on us. I know we can't sit here and continue to sneak around but we can't act like this is okay too.

So I pull out my phone and call her and like always she doesn't answer. I decide to leave her a message and leave our fate in her hands.

"If you still want me to be a part of your life, and if you still want to love me then come down stairs right now."

I put my phone in my pocket as I continue to stand under my rain jacket. It pours down pretty well but I'm not leaving this spot until she comes out.

She appears in the window and looks out to see if I was really out here or not. As soon as she sees me standing down here she leaves the window. I wait patiently before the door swings open. Celeste stood there look painfully good in her game day outfit, her hair and makeup perfect. I haven't seen her for so long it almost felt like I was dreaming.

"Have you lost your fucking mind" she yells out.

"I lost so much more than that" I yell back.

"Are you really going to make me come out there after I spent so long getting ready" she questions.

"That's entirely up to you. Because if you do it's going to rain a lot before it clears up. But one day it will clear up for us, one say the sun will shine again. But you have to be willing to get a little wet first" I say.

She stands there for a second before she starts to shake her head. She suddenly takes off without a coat or anything and runs out into the rain. I smile big as she jumps into my arms and I easily catch her. I hold her so tight that I could never again let her walk away from me.

"I'm so sorry" she says in my ear.

"It's okay. You're here now, that's what is important" I assure her.

I softly set her down but I keep her in my arms. Just embracing her for the first time in what feels like forever. She grabs my face as the rain falls on hers. Her makeup not even budging but her hair was pretty well soaked by now.

Her big blue eyes stare deep into mine as she familiarized herself with me. A big smile on her face as she holds my face in her hands.

"I've missed you so much" she claims.

"I missed you too Little Star" I assure her.

Suddenly she presses her lips to mine and I was taken aback. She was so sold on not cheating on James this whole time but I guess falling in love with someone else is far worse than kissing them. But I still wasn't sure we would ever get here.

I don't hold back as my hands slowly slip into her soaking wet hair. She stands on the tips of her toes to make sure the space between us was none. The kiss goes deeper than any kiss I have ever had before we break apart.

She continues to hold face in my hands as not even the rain could get between us. I softly kiss her forehead before pulling her into a hug.

"So what now" I ask.

"I don't know. I think reguardless of what happens between us, I need to call it quits with James. I don't know how but I have to get him to understand that these lies were living in is making us miserable. He only wants me because that's all he knows. But I'm sure there's a girl out there that would love to think she's in love with him and will be a lot more happy under his arm. I just need to get through to him that we weren't meant to be together forever. Just for a little while. Then maybe you and I can be together" she says.

"Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it" I assure her.

"I need you to not make this harder than it already is" she warns as she pushes a strong pointer finger against my chest.

"Alright I get it, I'm not exactly the most understanding when it comes to him. But if we need a lawyer I can help you find one" I insist.

"I'll definitely need one but it shouldn't be too hard, he can keep it all. The clothes, then phone, the apartment, the car, everything. I will happily walk out of here with nothing if that means I am free" she admits.

"So what does that mean for us in the meantime" I ask.

"Like you said, it's going to keep raining for a while. But there will be breaks in the clouds for us, I know there will. We will weather the storm, it's just going to suck" she insists.

"Well my place is open for you always, you know that. If you need me for anything, even if it's just for some ice cream, I'll be there for you" I promise.

"I know you will be" she smiles.

I pull her into another kiss and it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. "I need to get inside because I still have to get to the game tonight and now I am drenched. But I will talk to you soon, I promise" she says.

"I'll be waiting" I smile.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now