.30. Midday Excursion

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While I wasn't so sure on what happens next in what has been the craziest times of my life, Celeste and I still find ways to have some fun. I wasn't willing to do anything that would get her hurt but I was willing to do whatever I can to be able to be with her in the mean time. This gives us some time to figure some stuff out and still be able to see each other.

Somehow, someway Celeste gets out and convinces James that she was just going to have a spa day. I guess he most likely doesn't want to waste his day in the spa with her so her gives her the okay to go and so we were gone.

I let her choose our destination today and she decided she wanted to go to fright fest at six flags. She has heard about it since moving out here and always wanted to go but never made it out. So I grab her and we drive on out to Gurnee Illinois to have some fun.

And I will be the first to admit I am easily frightened. I might be a big guy but that doesn't change the fact that I get spooked. I don't like scary things but this seemed cool, like a haunted theme park. What is usually looney tunes themed is now covered in fake blood and spider webs. The park looked cool but I'm not promising I wouldn't lay out one of these scary ass people if they try to touch me.

"How is this not creeping you out" I ask as I hide behind Callie's small frame. She just laughs at me as she watches someone dressed up as a zombie slowly approach me.

"I'm scared of being hurt and spending the rest of my life slowly dying in a relationship I don't belong in. This is nothing" she teases.

"Well I'm scared of zombies and spiders so" I tremble as she laughs even harder.

"Don't worry big guy. You've taken care of me now I can take care of you" she promises.

I follow her around until we get in line for one of the rollercoasters. You can hear the people scream as the tracks run above us. I haven't been on a roller coaster since before I was a professional baseball player. And coming here while in the post season probably isn't my best idea. But if something happens I'll pull a Trevor Bauer and play through whatever injuries my frivolous adventures show me.

"I didn't know you liked stuff like this" I admit.

"I forgot really. When you have interests that you had planted but don't water every once in a while or never sees the sunlight, they die. So I never talk about stuff like this because it's been so long I honestly forgot how much joy things like this gives me" she explains.

"What else do you want to do once you have the chance" I question. For someone who has been trapped for over half a decade I'm sure she has a lot of things she would like to try.

"I want to go on a cruise out in the ocean so I can be far away from the pain I know. I want to go back to school and finish getting my degree so I can be a interior designer. I want to try all the different kinds of food from all different kinds of cultures. I want to go back home and see my mom and her family and everything" she lists off.

"That's a good list" I nod.

"I just hope I can get there. Believe it or not I haven't tried to leave a relationship before. I don't know what I'm doing or who to turn to. But I know I have you and that's good enough for me" she says with a sad smile.

"We're gonna figure this out" I promise. "And I hope I can be with you for all of the things you want to do. I would love to see you grow and rediscover yourself so you can see what I've seen all along."

"I couldn't do any of this without you. And since you were there for all the bad you should be there for the good too" she assures me.

We ride the roller coaster three times in a row before I needed a break. My body wasn't meant for going that fast so I needed to sit down. I look around trying to see where a concessions stand was that wasn't guarded by vampires and ghosts and I see a characture stand. No one was there and the dude looked bored so I get a idea.

"What do you think about that guy painting our portraits" I question.

"You wants him to turn us into cartoons" she asks.

"Think about it. We can't really take pictures together and this way we can have something. No one will see it because I'll keep it in my place. But at least we will have something" I admit.

"That's actually a really cute idea" she smiles.

So I grab her hand and we go to the booth. The man was so excited to have something to work on since it was a slow day around here. He didn't recognize me which was a relief, no one was here because it's noon on a Wednesday and people are in school or at work. But it was the perfect time for us to be here.

Celeste picks which characters she wanted and of course she gets the halloween themed one. So he paints me as Frankenstein and her as a devil. Even though she is the exact opposite she was so excited to be painted as the devil.

After 20 minutes he finished up and hands us the picture. Even though scary wasn't my thing we looked really cool. I liked how he made us look and the smiles weren't fake. They were real smiles.

"We look really good" she claims as I nod.

"I think this is the only way I would like all of this scary stuff" I insist.

"Come on, halloween is the best. You can dress up as anything you want and no one can tell you that you can't" she tries.

"Halloween I have no problem with. It's the thought of ghosts or the living dead and stuff that scares me" I explain.

"I think it's cool" she smiles.

"Well then I guess it's cool" I agree.

We ride roller coasters from 10 am to 2 pm before I had to go. I had a game tonight and no one knew I was here. All we have is this painting of us as proof of our excursion. And for us that was good enough, it had to be.

I drop her off back home and I go my place to grab a bite to eat before I got to the field. I put our picture up by my bed and smile. Days like this make it all so worth it.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now