.51. Fufilled

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We get some thing of Celeste's into my place and almost immediately it felt more like home to both her and myself. She had plans for this place, some of it will have to be done while I'm gone for spring training but she was excited to finally get her hands on it. Get some practice in as she finishes getting her degree.

So slowly but surely the apartment comes together. We put up pictures and she finds accent rugs and finds a paint color she likes and changes out the blinds. The difference so far was minimal but it was already looking so much better. I couldn't wait to see what she does with the place.

She grabs the last of her things from Carmen's and I wait for her at our place. No one really knew she was moving in besides the Howard's, our families and our friends who helped us move. We decided to keep that to ourselves for right now and make sure this was the right move so nothing gets more complicated than it already is.

I sit on my phone before I see a notification pop up. There was a message from Instagram saying that Celeste tagged me in a post. A eyebrow raises as I click to see what this could be. After starting her social media's all over again she didn't have as big of a following at first. But after her old accounts were deleted and James was put away she ended up with more followers than she had on the last account. A lot of people were happy for her, they wanted to follow her on her journey to being who she wants to be. She had more followers than me at this point, but people like to look at her and I don't blame them. I don't let the comments under her posts get to me but I still see them. I know there's still people out there who believes James is innocent or that they know what's good for her when they just don't. The internet is a ugly place, I assure you of that. But luckily her past has made her stronger and the people hiding behind a screen don't get to her. I don't think she even looks at comments anymore.

Once the app opens up I see a picture of us kissing under some mistletoe around Christmas. My eyes nearly pop out of my head because she was so against us being public for so long. She was less concerned about it after the new year but with the car accident and the divorce we never really got around to confirming the rumors that were already out there since we had been seen out together on occasion. Neither of us said anything but that's because I didn't want her to feel like there is pressure to be with me. But the fact she posted about us first put the biggest smile on my face. She feels strong enough to let the world in again and I was a big part of it.

I scroll across and see more pictures of us together. There was one of her and I in Seattle holding her hands that her mom took. She had one of us on the boat together and one of us looking at the stars with her head on my shoulder. And the pictures were great, I honestly looked at them every day of my life. I loved any reminders of us and she posted the best ones. It made my heart beat extra hard looking through those memories. Knowing that she was willing to share them now that she is ready made my heart full. I love that she did this on her own and that she was excited to post it all.

I scroll down to see what she had written and it was quite a lot. But I had a weak spot for her words, they were always so wise and deep and beautiful. She always found a way to make the ugliest moments seem incredible with just her words and I couldn't wait to see what she said.

"For the longest time I felt so empty, my head was empty and my heart was empty. I was hollow, there wasn't anything inside of me that I could ever be proud of. I had no favorite color, favorite food or place to go. I forgot what it was like to get this feeling of satisfaction from anything, and from anyone.

That empty feeling is the worst, even worse than feeling pain, because no matter what happens you feel like it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. It's scary to truly believe that your life could end and it wouldn't make a difference in the world. Or that after all the pain and all the suffering you come up empty. That's no way to live. At least with pain you feel something, with emptiness all you feel is nothing.

Then I met you and fulfilled me. You gave me purpose, you inspired me to dream and then get out and chase it. You are the only reason I am here and not wasted away in a relationship I no longer belong in. I can't begin to put into words what you've done for me. I once thought I would never feel whole again and after all this time you proved to me that the emptiness was temporary and that I was just making room for you. And you found a home in my soul, whether it's getting ice cream from our favorite shop or you coming home with me for Thanksgiving. You took up all that empty space inside me and for the first time ever, I am whole.

I know many people won't understand this relationship, but I do. There isn't a doubt in my mind that with you is where I belong. I know what it's like to be with someone you no longer feel for, and I never have to worry about that with you. Whenever I have a doubt in my mind about me, about us, you are right there next to me cheering me on. You've been my biggest supporter, biggest inspiration and biggest reason I can sit here today and smile.

I just wanted to publicly say thank you, thanks to you I am now fulfilled and we can work on being together the best way we know how.

I adore you Anthony, you are the greatest love I've ever known. I can't wait to see what great adventures await us."

I wipe away a stream of tears as the smile on my face grows. That was the sweetest thing ever and I don't think words could explain what this means to me. For her to feel strong enough to put her feelings out there is big, and the fact that she did so on her own makes me so proud.

So I screen shot the post and post it to my own account along with the pictures. I explain in my own words what she means to me and for the most part people were excited. Whenever there's a "celebrity" couple people get excited. And while she wasn't a celebrity per say, with over a million followers and verified accounts across all socials shes not exactly a nobody either. There was Russel Wilson had Ciara and Mike Fisher had Carrie Underwood. Now I have her and it's not as big as people like Verlander and Upton it was still pretty big news.

She finally comes over with the last of her things. As soon as she walked past through the door I grab her and pull her into a kiss. She nearly drops her box as my lips attatch to her.

"What was that for" she whispers on my lips.

"For everything" I assure her.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now