.10. Beautiful Soul

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I haven't seen or talked to Celeste in a week and I was starting to get worried. It's the end of June and I'm sure James is getting into season form. I'm sure that means a lot of what she does changes too. She has to go out in public with him to sell everyone of their happiness. Every time he fucks up she is expected to go out there and show everyone that he can't be that bad if she stays with him.

No one once cares to ask how she's doing, no one wants to help with what she's going through. It's like that with every athlete. You see the stories of wife's being beat up and shot at, in the NFL more than anything. So her story shouldn't be a surprise to most. But James is smart, he doesn't touch her because he knows that if he does he will be caught. He stays underneath everything, he's in her mind. That's why he's gotten away with this for so long. And while he could break up with her and run around as an single man, she is his safety blanket. The high school sweetheart story that keeps his image more clean than if after all the times he was caught cheating they broke up.

But there is something I wanted to do. I wasn't going to pull the trigger just yet, not unless I absolutely had to. But I do have a plan.

I walk up to the hospital and find myself in Celeste's moms room. She just had chemo so I had to be careful. I didn't want to get too close but I wanted to talk to her. I needed to talk to her.

Hannah sits there with her eyes closed as she relaxes. Her monitors looked good which means the increased doses of chemo was working. It also takes a lot more out of her.

"Callie is that you" she asks softly as she keeps her eyes closed.

"No, it's just Anthony this time" I admit.

She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at me. A smile comes on her face as she watched me closely. "Oh Anthony dear, it's so good to see you" she says weakly.

"It's good to see you too Hannah. How are you feeling today" I wonder.

"I haven't thrown up so that's good" she claims and I smile.

"Yeah, I know how that feels. It's good to see your numbers going down, hopefully we can get you out of here soon" I insist.

"I sure hope so. Someone's gotta watch over my daughter" she claims.

I look at her weird because it was almost like she knew of her situation. Or at least has a idea. I know Celeste doesn't tell her mom about James because she's afraid that she would pull the plug on everything so her daughter could be free. But all the good mommas know their kids better than anyone and I'm thinking she knows something is wrong.

"Have you spoke to her recently" she asks me as I shake my head.

"It's been about a week" I tell her.

"I'm worried about her" she admits.

"Well she isn't the one with cancer" I tease making her chuckle. Sick people love dark humor. I don't know why but they do.

"She's changed since I came in here. And I want to believe it's because she's worried about me, because she wants to take care of me. But she's been taking care of me her whole life. Every bad day ended with her cuddled up in my bed telling me everything is going to be alright.

But her eyes don't shine like they used to. Her voice is deeper, darker than usual. And I wish like hell she would tell me, but she won't. Every time she's here and I ask about her she shuts down. Always wants to talk about me. I haven't left this hospital in months so not much is happening with me. I just hope she's okay" she sighs.

I fiddle my fingers in my lap because she had every right to worry. But she had enough on her plate as is. I'm not going to sit here and lie and tell her that everything is fine, because it's not. But I also don't want her to be worried that she beats cancer just to walk into another issue.

"She's going to be great. Celeste, she's strong. She's the strongest person I know. I know that whatever life throws at her she with throw back just as hard" I promise her.

"Just like her daddy" she smiles.

"I actually came here to ask you a question" I admit.

"What's up" she wonders.

"I don't know if you know this but I have a cancer foundation that raises money for research and to help families of people who are going through cancer treatment. It's mostly pediatric but I know that no matter the age this is hard, no life is less important than another. And I was wondering if I could help you and Callie" I say.

"That's very kind of you but James is taking care of us" she replies and I sigh. I assumed that's what she thought, but I had to try.

"I figured as much. But my organization has a hand in every hospital in the area and works with trial drugs and helping people get their lives back on track even after they leave the hospital. So if you want to try and get out of here early or even get out for a little we can set something up" I promise her.

"You're doing this why" she asks me.

"Because I figured if it was my mom that's what I would want for her. To be able to be in my life all the time and see her get better as soon as possible. It's 2017, there's so many new ways to treat cancer and I know there's a better way to care for you than sitting in this dark room hoping that doing the same old things will give me new results. I just want you to have the opportunity to find some normalcy in all of this" I explain.

"You're a beautiful soul Anthony, one in a million" she tells me making me smile.

"I just want to help as many people as possible. You and Celeste have a special place in my heart and if I can help I would really like to" I admit.

"Well the next time my daughter comes in I'll talk to her. I'm sure she wont mind me getting out of here sooner but I don't want to step on her husbands toes" she insists.

"I completely understand. I hope to be seeing you again real soon. For now rest, see what this chemo does for you and we will take it from here" I promise.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now