.75. Baby Girl and The Best Girl

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It's the end of June now and that means it's time for the four month check up even though we were a little past four months. I was pretty excited for this one because for one we find out the gender so we can choose a name and get things rolling. I don't think we can hide the fact that Celeste is pregnant a moment more, she grows each and every day and she loves it. As the pregnancy goes along she gets more into the idea of sharing it with people and today we can finally do that.

So I sit in the waiting room as I bounce my leg up and down. Usually I read a magazine when I wait for this part of the appointment to be over with but I was just so excited. I wasn't wanting a boy or a girl, doesn't really matter to me. I just wanted to know and get a bunch of things with it's name on it and to tell the world that I am one lucky man.

Finally I get called back and I take my place next to my wonderful girlfriend. I grab her hand like always and we get right into it. Once they find the baby on the monitor the nurse looks around for a little while before she stops.

"Alright. It looks like you have a healthy baby girl in there" she announces and my eyebrows shoot up. A large smile finds its way into my face not on purpose but it was no accident either. I feel Celeste squeeze my hand and I look down at her. There were a few tears in her eyes as she didn't even look at the monitor or her belly but at me. It was a beautiful little moment, one I will never forget. I couldn't wait to know of a life with my baby girl and my best girl by my side.

We get a bunch of pictures before heading on home. We call our parents and let them know first or I'll never hear the end of it. My mom was extra excited because she already had a grandson. I was excited because I always adored the idea of having a girl. To have that daddy-daughter relationship we all dream of.

"So, what name did you decide" my mom wonders.

"Stella. Stella Raye" I smile.

It took some deciding but we decided Stella was the best name for our little star. Celeste and Stella had a nice ring to it and their names were related. Stella means star in Latin and she was just that in our lives. A bright star to bring us light and hope in a world that can be so dark. And Raye comes her dad Ray, you add a E to it and all of the sudden it's feminine. But Stella Raye Rizzo was now ready to be announced to the world.

We decide to take pictures in the babies room to make the announcements. So Celeste slips into a silver maternity dress and I pull on a black shirt. We hold up a sign that had put little girls name on it and "October 2018" on it. Her mom bought us this board with a bunch of letter to put things on it. Celeste has found a lot of quotes to put in the room like "I love you to the moon and back" and "shoot for the moon because even if you miss you'll land among the stars" and cute things like that. Everything was slowly coming together and after this I'm sure it will fill up quickly.

Once we get good pictures of the bump Celeste messes around with them for a little. First I send them out in my group message to the team becasue if I don't tell them before the world I was going to get my ass beat. A lot of them I'm sure had it figured out. Either by the fact Callie hadn't come to the games a lot recently or because she stopped drinking. It was really difficult to keep it on the down low these last few weeks especially. But seeing their reaction was priceless and this organization was excited to have another little future star running around the friendly confines.

After Callie texts her friends from her time with the Bears and the new friends she made here we both post to social media the good news. I was a little nervous to see the reaction because Celeste and I aren't too open with our relationship. People know we're together but besides a post every once in a while and on special occasions no one knows much about how we got to this moment. Some might think it's soon and maybe they're right. Maybe we're not ready. But we were always going to get to this point in our minds, it's just sooner than we thought.

"I can't tell if I'm nervous or if she's kicking" Celeste claims.

"I think you would know if she's kicking" I tease.

"Still. I hope this wasn't a mistake" she sighs.

"When it comes to you, and Stella, there is no mistake" I promise her as I grabs her hands. She smiles up at me as she nods her head.

"We should probably get to Wrigley early. I'm getting a lot of questions I can't answer over the phone" she claims.

"Alright. But I want some of the pictures from today so if I have them printed off at Walgreens can you pick them up" I wonder.

"Of course baby" she smiles.

So we go our separate ways and I go to the field to get ready. I walk in and I see Jason Heyward chilling by the door. As soon as he sees me he props himself up and blocks the entrance.

"There's the man of the hour" he claims and I look at him weird.

"I am" I ask.

"Of course you are. You can't make a announcement like you did today and not expect us to do something" he claims.

"Well I'm not the ones that's pregnant" I tease.

"I know. And the fact that you didn't tell us sooner is a discussion we will be having, but later. For now we're going to celebrate what is a great accomplishment" he says.

"Sex" I ask.

"Alright. Are you guys ready because I don't know how much longer I can stall without knocking this man outside his head" he yells into the locker room.

"Yeah we're ready, send him in" Kris' voice rings out.

Jason moves to the side and I walk in. I see a congratulations sign on my locker with a pink cupcake in my chair. I see some pink Cubs onesies and shoes and a little baseball cap. They got this together ridiculously quickly considering we didn't know the gender until this morning even if they did know this baby announcement was coming.

"Aww you guys" I smile.

"We got Celeste some things too but the girls are taking care of that. We know it hasn't been easy but we're really happy for you" Ben Zobrist said. He was the best family man I knew so that meant a lot.

"Thank you guys so much. You're the best" I admit.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now