.56. Last Dessert

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After finally feeling like Chicago was home to me it was time for us to leave. I wanted so bad for this city to mean something good to me and it finally did. The Bears were super bowl champs again and I've made some friends who have similar interests as me. I've come to love the Windy City and all that comes with it. I wasn't quite ready to leave now that I finally feel like I made myself a home.

But I also was excited for some new adventures. I've never been to Arizona and not be in Phoenix for football. For a while I was against traveling because no matter where in this world I would go I couldn't be happy. And now I know that no matter where I am as long as I'm with Anthony there is no place I would rather be.

I was struggling a little with knowing he won't be around all the time and I'll be stuck in a strange place with people I'm not familiar with. But Anthony assures me that he has a good group and they will help me as much as they can.

The guys do a little get together the night of the first full practice. There was quite a few lost brothers from the 2017 season like no Jake which Anthony took pretty hard. But they have new guys like Yu Darvish who everyone talks so highly of. I've been around the most insufferable kind of athletes, hell, I was married to the worst one. And I've seen my fair shares of crazy football girlfriends too. That stuff doesn't bother me much. I'm more afraid people already have their minds made up about me before I even have a chance to tell them who I really am.

"How do I look" ask Anthony as we walk into the restaurant. The whole thing was rented out for the guys and the managers and coaches and their families. I wanted to look good but not like I'm trying too hard either.

"Babe, you look just as beautiful as the last three times you asked me today" he teases.

"I'm sorry" I sigh. "I just- I want this to go well" I defend.

"Half of these girls idolize you. And the other half haven't met you so I assure you once you get in there and they realize that you're just like them it'll all be okay" he promises.

His hand rests on my cheek and I lean into him. I feel his thumb softly run across my skin as I close my eyes. "If you really don't want to do this, we can go. We can put on a movie and I can say I wasn't feeling good" he insists.

"I want to do this, that isn't the issue. I'm just- I'm scared" I admit.

"I get that baby. To a certain extent at least. I just need you to know that everything will be okay because no matter what happens I love you. And I will always love you" he assures me.

I finally open my eyes and see his big brown ones staring back at me. A smile crawls up on my face as his eyes meet mine. He pulls me into a quick kiss and suddenly I could do anything.

We walk in hand in hand and I felt like I could throw up. I know that I have nothing to worry about but anxiety never really lets you take that into consideration. It makes you feel weak and like that worst thing that possibly could happen will. And it's a terrible feeling but one I know too well. Because for years the worst thing I could think could happen, had. And it's not like that anymore and I know that, but it is going to take some time to believe that my life isn't the worst.

"Callie! Over here" a soft voice rings out and I look over. I see Kris and his wife Jess waving us over and a smile comes into my face.

We walk over to the two open seats next to them and I sit next to Jess with Anthony on my other side. She pulls me into a hug and I can feel my stress melt away. I've met her twice before now and she was a total sweetheart. I know Kris is too.

"It's so good to see you! You look amazing" Jess starts as my cheeks start to get warm.

"There. Maybe she will listen to you" Anthony quips as I send him a playful glare.

"I'm so serious. You look like you're glowing" she tries.

"That's what getting out of a bad relationship will do to you" I tease.

"Well we are so happy to have you here with us. We have a lot of fun stuff planned so hopefully we can make you feel right at home" she admits.

"I hope so too" I nod.

We order our food and thanks to some suggestions from the other girls I get some salmon and asparagus. Anthony keeps his arm around me the whole time as I start to mingle. By the time the food comes there wasn't anyone in this room I haven't talked to and it made me feel good.

"So Celeste, how has Anthony been treating you" Jon Lester asks.

"Too good if you ask me. That man never takes a day off. I don't know if it's because I came out of such a bad relationship or if Anthony thinks he's Prince Charming over here. But I can say with my whole chest that I've never been happier in my life. I would throw away the world championships and the flashy life away in a millisecond if that meant I could have been with Anthony sooner" I admit.

"Good. It took a lot to raise him" Joe Maddon says and I smirk.

"I don't doubt it" I tease as Anthony squeezes my side.

We finish up with dinner and enjoy a dessert. Joe assures the guys it'll be the last one for a while but they were okay with that. They'll give up a lot for this team and that's why they have worked so well together already. Guys want to come to this team to be a part of this and it's not hard to tell why. This team was whole and it was loving. Guys don't want to leave here. I already knew Chicago fans would go to war for this team and now I see why.

After a long night we get kicked out right before midnight. We walk out and I hang with Jess as Anthony was a little tipsy and had to mess with his guys before we left.

"I'm really happy you're here with us. I know your situation wasn't easy, I can only imagine what you went through to be here. But we really are happy you are" she starts.

I pull her into a tight hug and her arms wrap around me. There's not many people in my life I trust but I trusted her. I can tell she was the kind of woman who loved her husband and that's why she's here.

We say our goodbyes and Anthony and I return to our humble home for the next few weeks. I jump into bed and Anthony was right behind me.

"So, how was tonight. Was it too much" he wonders as I just smile.

"Not at all. In a way, I think it was everything I needed" I admit.

"Good" he smiles.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now