.59. Luckiest Man In The World

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Just as fast as spring training started it comes to a end. April was right around the corner and rosters were being finalized and guys were figuring out if they need to find a place in Chicago or if they get to hang out in Iowa for a little while longer. The team has pretty much been set for a few weeks. We were finding the happy medium between making sure starters are getting reps and seeing real life pitches but not burning them out so quickly. So near the end guys like me and Kris and Jason and the normal starters get a little break. We can hang out at the park and not worry about playing.

So this was the perfect time to have Hannah come out. That and it was spring break so she didn't have work for a week. I paid to fly her out and stay with us in the spare for a few days. We can go to the pool and sight see and Celeste can show her all the cool places she's been in the month and a few days we've been here. Callie was more than excited to see her mom and actually be able to do stuff with her. Cancer was now a thing of the past, all her numbers have come back good and Hannah was as healthy as ever. The trial drugs were quite the success and I hope it can help others like her.

Celeste had a little spring break extra credit assignment she wanted to do so she was out of the house for the morning leaving me and Hannah to do whatever we would like. So I order us a nice brunch and we sit out on the back porch to enjoy the warm temperatures. The Arizona sun was no joke but for someone who spent a whole year in a hospital I think it would be good for her. We sip our mimosas and eat the French toast and omelets just enjoying each other's company like we did back in Chicago.

"Have you ever thought about getting married again" I ask Hannah. She sends me a dry laugh as she shakes her head.

"Not once. His last name is the last I have of him" she claims as she plays with the wedding ring she was still wearing. Celeste explained to me the meaning of her still wearing it, I thought it was beautiful.

"I get it. I really do. When you find someone you know is meant for you it's hard to look at someone else. To even think of someone else romantically. Even when you can't be with that person... it's a even better reason to hang on to the thought of them. When I think of Celeste she is all I think about. And how one day when baseball is over I will still feel fulfilled because I'll have her. Hopefully a family and helping hundreds of people with cancer. No matter what happens I just want it to happen with her" I admit.

"You want to marry my daughter" she asks me.

I just smile as my cheeks start to warm. "Nothing would make me happier. Now it won't be any time soon. I know it's still hard for her to navigate this life without worrying about a wedding and going through marriage again. I want to at least make it a year together before I propose. But this time next year I hope we're looking at venues and houses and talking about kids and all that good stuff. Making sure you'll be around to see your grandkids and be in the wedding. All of that good stuff" I admit.

I watch as she slowly takes off her wedding ring. She wore it all this time even after her husband had passed. I know it meant the world to her because it's the one thing she can see that reminds her of the love they shared. It represents the best parts of her life when she was in love and they had Celeste and everything was perfect.

She turns to me with glassy eyes and I feel my heart drop. She didn't seem upset but it seemed like she was unsure about something. I wasn't sure what it was.

"I think you should have this" she claims as she tries to hand me her ring. But I just shake my head as my hands retreat to my lap.

"I can't take that from you. I know how much that ring means and you deserve to have at least that" I insist.

"This ring means a lot to me, but my daughter means more. And I know when she has this ring on her finger she will know a love like I did. I know she will wear it with the knowledge that she is marrying someone who would give her the world given the chance.

I don't know if it has quite sunk in for you, but that girl went through hell and back just to be with you. She did something she thought she couldn't do just to be yours. And my husband would be so happy for you guys, he would want you to have it too. And when the time is right you will propose with that ring and Callie will know exactly where it comes from. Then she will have a piece of me and her father with her and our love, along with yours, will be sitting on her hand and then you will both realize the weight your love possesses" she explains.

She opens my hand up and places her ring in my hand. It was quite a beautiful ring but that's not what made this ring special. It's the love it has represented, it's the love it will represent. It might not cost a lot of money but it it the most valuable thing I've ever held in my two hands.

"I promise you Hannah, I'm going to do right by your daughter. And when I give her this ring she will know what it means to her and I and you and your husband. And how just as this was a representation of your love it is now a representation of ours. And every moment she wears it she will be reminded that the love will never go away" I promise.

"I know son" she smiles as she closes my hand over the ring.

I pull her into a tight hug and she squeeezes me good. I know that she was the one who was getting out of a rough situation but I was left feeling like the luckiest man in the world knowing I was coming into this amazing family.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now