.38. Lost And Found

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Since my attempts to communicate with Celeste were futile I do a lot of thinking. I try and figure out what to do, how to find her and when I do what to say. After wracking my brain for a while I figured out a plan that wasn't a good plan, but it was a plan.

I buy a box ticket for today's Thursday night Bears game and hope to god Celeste will be up there. I pull on a baseball cap though I'm sure they'll recognize me anyway. I just needed enough time to find her and make sure she's okay.

It comes time and I get to solider field and up to the boxes no problem. For a while I didn't see much of anyone before the families start to show up.

Finally I find Celeste standing with a really pretty mixed girl and I let out a sigh of relief. I move past a few people and over to where she was. She finally looks my way and her eyes get huge.

"Anthony" she whispers.

"Celeste, I am sorry I just showed up unannounced but I... I was so scared something happened" I start.

She grabs my hand and pulls me to a side hallway before pressing me against the wall. I felt like a teenager who sneaked out of class to see the one girl in school everyone wanted to be with even though she just wanted to be with me. She presses her lips to mine and all of the sudden I was the lost one.

"You're crazy, you know that" she whispers on my lips.

"I will be anything you want me to be" I smirk as she rolls her eyes.

"Why did you come here" she wonders.

"I've been so worried about you" I say as I softly cup her cheek. She leans into my hand making me smile. "I haven't seen or heard from you. I went to your place and James said you weren't there and I... I didn't know what to do" I explain.

"It's been a rough few days, but I have support. The girls here, they're taking care of me" she assures me.

"You know" a voice starts and we both jump. I see the same mixed girl from earlier standing there and I start to blush. "This is a public place. You two sucking face over here, isn't very secretive" she accuses.

"Anthony, this is my good friend Carmen. Car as you know this is Anthony" Celeste introduces.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard nothing but the best about you" Carmen smiles.

"Really" I ask as I turn to Celeste as she bites her lip.

"Really" she assures me. "I actually was hoping you would show up here on day."

"Well I'm here, now what" I ask.

"I can't be seen with you so I'm not really sure what your plans were now" Celeste claims.

"I had a plan. It wasn't a good plan but I found you. Didn't really plan for what happens next" I admit.

"Why don't I get us some drinks and we can chill back here until the game starts" Carmen suggests.

"I would like that a lot" I smile.

She takes off to get us drinks and we move a little farther down the hallway so it won't be so easy to spot us. Celeste turns to me with the most hope in her eyes.

"So what's going on" I question.

"With the help of Carmen and my mom and even James' mom, I have gotten the divorce papers and a good lawyer and now... now all I have to do is get him to sign them" she explains.

"You know he won't" I remind her.

"I'm not giving him a choice. I'm leaving whether he signs the papers or not. This is the last game I'm going to. He lost me far before today but I'm gone for real this time" she explains.

"Are you going back to Seattle" I wonder.

Thankfully she just shakes her head as a smile comes up in her face. "No, I'm staying" she assures me.

"You know my place is always open for you" I promise.

"I'm not ready to move in with you quite yet, I need some time to myself. I've spent 10 years with him in my head, it's gonna take a while for me to be happy enough with myself to give myself up like that again. But you're the main reason I'm staying, I still want to be with you and learn about you. I'll come over and I will see you every chance I get but I need to find myself first. I hope you understand" she says softly

"Of course I understand" I say as I pull her into a hug. "This is your life baby, you get to decide what you want to do now and I'm going to be the one cheering you on."

"Thank you" she mumbles against my chest.

Carmen comes out and hands us both a drink. We all hang out in a forgotten spot away from everyone else.

"So Anthony, you better treat her right" Carmen warns and my eyes go big. She was intimidating, that's for sure.

"It's alright Carmen, he's true. I know him better than I know anyone and he would never belittle me or hurt me. I always knew what James was capable of but I was a fool to think he wouldn't do it to me. Anthony is nothing like that" Celeste defends making me smile.

"Then what is he like" Carmen asks, like I'm not sitting right here.

"He's kind, always has people's best interests at heart. He's thoughtful, always listening and making you feel heard. He's sweet in the way he handles tough situations with the upmost love.

Most of all he is real. He doesn't put on a front. If it wasn't for him constantly showing me all the things I needed to see who knows where I would be in my life right now. It's been nearly eight months since we met and he has changed my life entirely. I don't know what I would be without him even with him staying at a distance. Every time I felt weak he picked me up. Whenever I went silent he helped me find my voice.

I'm truly convinced that without him, when my mom got out of the hospital I might have never left that apartment again. I was in such a dark place I never thought I would find the light again.

But Anthony is the light, and he helps me find more lights and for that I am thankful" she smiles up at me.

"Yeah, you guys are going to be just fine" Carmen smiles.

We finish our drinks and she goes out so people don't suspect something wierd. I knew at some point we would have to come out too but I wasn't ready to let her go, I just got her back.

"I'm proud of you" I tell her.

"Why is that" she wonders.

"You opened up to Carmen and you trusted her. I know you don't trust easy but I know she will do right by you" I admit.

"I really didn't have a choice. But James trusts her and Jordan so he wouldn't get suspicious with her being around. And who else am I supposed to talk about you with" she smirks.

"Your mom" I tease as she rolls her eyes.

"She already thinks we're dating" she admits.

"Well I'm still super proud of you. I hope this is all over soon" I sigh.

"Me too" she agrees.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now