.4. Favorite Things

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"Where are you going" James asks as I place my hand on the doorknob. I was hoping to get out of the penthouse without him noticing, which I guess makes me the fool.

"I'm going out to lunch" I say.

"I don't remember saying that you could get lunch" he claims making me roll my eyes.

"I can't even eat without your permission now? You might as well get me a collar at this point" I snap.

"Don't tempt me" he claims as I shake my head. What a piece of work?

"Can I eat, please" I ask.

He looks me over to see if I looked nice enough to be out. He doesn't want me in the public unless I look like his trophy wife. I would shave my head just to spite him if I had it in me.

"Fine. You have two hours" he tells me.


I rush out of there as fast as I can and hop in my car. For once I don't have one of his assistants tailing me. I drive out to the city and park outside of a restaurant and leave my phone in the car so he couldn't track me. The only time he would try to talk to me is if he thinks I'm doing something he wouldn't like but he has no reason to think that. So I walk over to the park and find Anthony sitting there by himself admiring the big metallic bean sitting in at the back of the park. I stop for a second because I must have lost my mind. There is a zero percent chance that this will end well for me and yet I still want to do it. Maybe I want a reason to get away from James, maybe Anthony is exactly what I need in my life right now. I'm not sure. All I know is that he makes me feel things I haven't felt in years, things I didn't think I would ever feel again. And I wanted to feel like that again.

As soon as he spots me he jumps up and walks over. I swear this man is always smiling, I wanted to be like that so bad.

"You made it" he cheers as I laugh a little. Can't remember the last time someone who wasn't my mother was excited to see me.

"I'm here. So now what" I ask.

"If I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't think you were gonna show" he admits.

"I wasn't" I tell him. "But I didn't want to be home either so at least I should try."

"Well now that you're here what would you like to do" he wonders.

"I don't know. What do you do around here for fun" I ask.

"A lot of things. I like to go on the lake and go to the zoo and eat pizza and hang out with my friends" he lists off.

"Why don't we go to the zoo? That's free right" I ask. Don't need a certain someone grilling me about my card again.

"Yeah! Let's do it" he smiles.

So we catch a cab over to the zoo and walk around. I probably should eat since James thinks that's what I'm doing but I wasn't really hungry. He gets mad if I eat a lot or something I shouldn't and to not start a argument I'll order a salad on my card and just not eat it. It saves so much trouble in the long run.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now