.81. Dreams

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While graduating was a lot to handle and I was excited to go on vacation in a little, first it was time to celebrate Anthony's birthday. He was going to be away on the 8th so we're going to celebrate a little early this year. It's nothing new, he said he has to do it almost every year because for some reason they always have an away game on his birthday. I've known what I was going to give him for the longest time so I had no problems getting it wrapped and in the apartment early. That gave me time to focus on the details like a surprise party.

So I rent out one of his favorite restaurants and have all his friends go there to set up. I got a special cake made and all the decorations I can find in his favorite colors. I was probably more excited for his birthday than he was but stuff like this makes me happy. Another full year of the world being a better place because people like him are still around is something to celebrate.

"You didn't" he laughs as he opens my present. I had another one for him at the restaurant but this was the main one and I didn't want him to be suspicious if I kept telling him he would get his gift later.

"I told you your speakers are old and out of date. These ones actually match the inside of your apartment and they're louder. Plus you can control them with a app on your phone" I tell him.

"This is very thoughtful of you, thank you" he says before pulling me into a kiss.

"You're welcome. Now get changed it's time for us to meet your parents for lunch" I tell him.

"Alrighty" he nods.

So he changed and I slip into a maternity dress. I hated wearing pants before and now... now it's impossible. So it's dresses and skirts for as long as I possibly can.

We drive out to the restaurant and walk in the front. Everyone was in the back room waiting and I was so excited. I guide him to the doors and open them up before everyone jumps out. He jumps a little but once his friends stop trying to scare the shit out of him he realizes what's going on.

Once the yelling dies down and the cubbie kids stop throwing the confetti Anthony turns to me. He had the biggest smile on his face as he grabs my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss.

"I thought it was your birthday" I tease as he chuckles at me.

"Thank you" is all he says.

"You don't know this was me" I accuse.

He gives me one of those "even if I didn't know you better than anyone I would still know it was you" looks as I break easily. He kisses me again on my cheek before turning to his friends and family. I let him go enjoy his party as I walk around to make sure food and refreshments are all taken care of. I find Jess standing to the side and I join her.

"You did quite a good job with all of this" she tells me and I shrug.

"I like designing and decorating" I admit. That's to say the least. 

"Speaking of, how did your finals go" she wonders.

"Pretty good. I got a C in math but A's in everything else so I have nothing to complain about. My degree should be in the mail soon and I can start looking for jobs" I explain.

"You're gonna do that while carrying a child and chasing Anthony around" she asks.

"Well, yeah. I spent so much of what is supposed to be the greatest times of my life dreaming of moments like this. To make something of myself for myself for once. The whole time I was locked up with James I wasn't allowed to think, to chase my dreams. And maybe soccer is out of the question and my dream of spending my life with that monster is burned out but I have many more dreams. Many of them I forgot about until Anthony came along. And he knows this is important to me. Why me getting a job and working is something I have to do otherwise I will never know the satisfaction of trying to be the best version of me. He helps me a lot and because of him my dreams aren't just that anymore. I always wanted a kid, a career, a partner who I was working with and not for. And I have that now. It's not easy but nothing worth having is" I shrug.

"You're one crazy determined girl" she smiles.

"I get it from my momma" I admit.

After walking around saying hi to everyone and thanking them for coming out I find my boyfriend again. He had on a birthday boy sash and a party hat and I had to laugh. He was a big man but he was a child not so deep down. He laughs at farts and likes to tickle me until my face turns red. But he is loved, you look around here and it doesn't take much to notice that. His impact on the entire community is beyond baseball and he should be celebrated. He jokes around a lot about being the center of attention yet recognition is something he would never give to himself. For his birthday he asked everyone to donate to the foundation or something in the Chicago area to help the kids. Nothing was about him, it was his team or his foundation or recently me. Humble doesn't begin to explain how great of a man he was and I wasn't the only one that knew this.

"You are the best girlfriend ever" he claims as he grabs my waist.

"I try" I admit.

"I'm serious babe. This was the nicest thing anyone has done for me. My buddies told me you set it all up and worked extra hard to make sure it was a perfect, and it is" he claims.

"I'm glad you like it. And I have a little gift for you here too" I claim.

"This is all too much" he insists.

"You'll like this one" I smile.

I grab a bag I stashed off to the side and hand it to him. He pulls out the wrapping paper and find new shirts Amy made for him per my request. Dad stuff and baseball stuff. Things I know he will wear and enjoy.

As the night start to wrap up I thank everyone for coming out. We even got some kids out of the hospital to see him. But like all good things the day comes to a end and we head home. Anthony tries on all his shirts and modeled them as we break in the new speakers. I find myself thankful for another year of life for my favorite human.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now