.85. Superhuman

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We were a short two months out from my due date and I was feeling it. The third trimester was the worst and not because it made me sick or I was worried something would happen to the baby. It's the worst because I no longer remember what my feet look like or the last time I went a hour without using the restroom. Pregnancy is beautiful but it's long and it's sometimes annoying. I would kill for a beer and some sushi right now. I really would.

But as the days pass behind me I step into a future. My future. A future I wasn't really sure I would ever see. But lucky me I got a second chance at life. Divorce can be hard but for someone like me who was holding back so much of myself while I was married I haven't felt more free. And since my chains had been cut and I could spread my wings I flew into the sun and I haven't come down yet.

Today was a exciting day for me because I got my degrees in the mail. Never thought I would get them after doing online school but a degree is a degree. Though my college journey has ended many more opportunities presented itself to me. I wanted to prove to myself that I could mold my future in my hands and I finally I did it. For me, for my baby, for Anthony. Against all odds I graduated and I get to do my dream job then come home to a man who has showed me nothing but the best in life.

"Babe look! I bought these cool frames for your degrees and got them engraved with your name and your major and the day you technically graduated. I thought we could put them in a frame and hang them up somewhere! Maybe in the living room or in the hallway going to our room" Anthony rambles as he turns around in circles trying to figure out where on the walls we have any room left.

"You do know I got my degree in figuring stuff like this out, right" I giggle.

"Oh, yeah" he chuckles.

I take the frame out of his hand and set it on the couch. I pull him into a long kiss until we had to break apart to get some air.

"What was that for" he whispers.

"Because I couldn't have done this without you. You're the one that showed me I could still find the light even though most of my world had gone dark. You proved to me that I was someone worth working on. If it wasn't for you I would have never found my passion or attempted to do something in this field. Now I can say that I am a interior designer and I can say that thanks to you" I say.

"I just really believe in you. I know that you were a missed opportunity away from being everything you wanted to be. And I'm so proud that after everything you've been through you for your degrees. I can't wait for people to come over and I can brag about how you kept me straight while being pregnant and getting your degrees. It's superhuman really" he claims.

"It's superhuman just to keep up with you" I joke.

"Alright, can't argue with that" he smiles. "I'm just really proud of you. Always" he promises.

We get my degrees in their respective frames and decide to put them in the hallway. I kind of already had the living room set and had spots for maternity pictures and baby pictures once our little girl arrives. For now we're going to leave it as is and my degrees still get to hang up.

Anthony decides we should go out to lunch to celebrate. He was about to leave for a little and I wasn't ready to let him go. I would come with but we just got back from Florida and I wanted to secure a job. So I had to stay while he went out. But it wasn't all bad, I kind of have a built in buddy I talk to from time to time.

"So are you thinking of public school or private school for Ella? Or we can try to home school her. But you're the one with the degrees, I can't do that" Anthony starts as we wait for our food. I just laugh as I shake my head.

"Baby I don't think we should be worried about that yet. We got a long ways before we think about schooling" I insist.

"I know. But I want her to have a semi normal life. I don't want her to feel like our family is any different than anyone else's. I love her just as much as Ashley's dad loves her" he claims.

"Who's Ashley" I question.

"Stellas best friend of course" he claims.

"Of course" I roll my eyes. "But you don't have to worried about her having a normal life growing up because there is no such thing. I grew up poor and my childhood had been my happiest memories up until I met you. It doesn't matter where she goes to school or what Ashley's dad does. She will be loved and she will have every chance in the world to be the happiest kid" I promise him.

"I just... I worry. You'll be working but you'll still be around. She'll come home from a bad day of school and walk into your arms and you'll tell her that it'll be okay. That you're going to be there to help her with her homework and you can go to our favorite ice cream shop after she totally kills that math test. And where will I be" he asks.

"Wherever you're needed most. If Stella or I need you we will find you. I know we will. But you belong out on the field. There's no denying that. We will be at the games cheering obnoxiously loud and when you're away we will be waiting for you to come home. I promise every moment you're away we will be wanting you here. We're going to be just fine and so will you" I say as I reach across and hold his hand. He sends me a sad smile as he nods.

"Okay" he sighs.

"We got each other. When you need picking up I will be there to pick you up. When I feel like I can't you're there telling me that I can" I explain.

"Because I believe in you" he claims.

"And I believe in you. As a baseball player. As a boyfriend. And as a father" I insist.

"Thanks" he smiles.

"Any time baby" I nod.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now