.9. Drunken Mistakes

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The night life here in the city is something to behold. It comes to life once the sun goes down and I am a avid enjoyer of all things fun. So I often join some of the guys and their wives in the party going. Hit the bars and drink the nights away.

Tonight me and a few friends hit up my favorite bar right in the heart of the city. The summertime sadness is left at the door as we all look for some good times.

As the night goes along I let the beer take over and I relax. This is a long season and no athlete is immune to the pressures and expectations put on them by fans and management. But neither of those things are more powerful than beer.

It starts to get late and we had a 7 pm game tomorrow so I figured I should round up my guys and get them home. As I look around for a lost Kyle Schwarber I see something I wasn't expecting to see.

I find James sitting in the front of the bar with a blonde girl under each arm. And while I was impressed he pulled two girls when it is a well known fact he is married I was more upset than anything. He was surrounded by people and no one said a word to him about the adult th he was so obviously looking to perform. Celeste was nowhere in sight and he was here with two bottle blondes so I knew this was no good.

He quickly leans over and gives each girl a kiss and I felt sick to my stomach. Those girls were pretty but had nothing on Celeste. And they weren't married to him so there's that too. I couldn't believe he was just openly kissing these girls in a crowded bar and no one said anything. Everyone knows he's taken, he still had his wedding band on for fucks sake. I feel every bit of restraint I built up come down and I was ready to risk it all.

"I'm gonna go fight that guy" I claim as I point a drunken finger at him.

"James? Like the star player of the NFL? Have you lost your mind" Jake asks me.

"He's married. And neither of those girls are his wife" I grumble trying to make my way to him.

I feel a hand on my chest and see Jake pushing me back. "You cannot go around punching pieces of shit like that in the face. He sure as hell deserves it but it cannot come from you. Must I mind you that if you get in a physical altercation right now it's your ass that gets in trouble. The MLB will punish you far harsher than the NFL has ever came after its own" he reminds me.

"It's not fair" I grunt. "He has a great girl. A wonderful woman who has been nothing but great to him. He can't even invite her to the bars with him because his only intent is to cheat. I'm sick of guys like him getting away with this."

"It's not your place Anthony" he insists.

"It should be" I sigh.

He finally lets me go and we gather everyone else us. I pass by him and send him the meanest glare my drunk ass could muster up. He catches my eyes and in that moment I almost lose it. I almost risked it all just to put that man in his place.

But that would hurt Celeste more than anyone, to be caught up in yet another one of his cheating scandals and I didn't want to do that to her. She didn't deserve that.

So I swallow my pride and head outside. I get us all cabs until I hop in one myself. Instead of going home I decide to go to where I first found Celeste. I text her to come down so we could talk.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now