.2. Complicated

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Celeste and I arrive at one of the few ice cream shops that were still open at 11 at night. We walk in and I smile big once the smell of the fresh ice cream hits my nose. It wasn't that warm yet in the city but there's never a bad time for ice cream and it sure seemed like she could use some.

We walk up to the buckets of ice cream and pick out our favorite flavors. I pay for the food before they hand us our bowls and we find a spot to sit at and relax for a little. I look across the table as she just stares at me, not even touching her ice cream. She was quite petite so I was surprised so ordered two scoops. But she got cookie dough and birthday cake so I don't blame her.

"So Celeste, are you from around here" I wonder just trying to fill the silence.

"I am not. I was born in Atlanta and stayed there until I was in middle school then moved to Seattle" she explains.

"Those are two great cities" I admit.

"I loved living at both those places. I didn't have a lot growing up money wise or material wise, but what I did have I loved dearly. It was a simple life but sometimes simple is exactly what you need. My life here is way more extravagant than what I knew but I almost prefer the struggles I endured growing up to this" she shrugs. I would be lying if I said I hear a girl prefer a simpler lifestyle than a baller in Chicago.

"What was your favorite part of growing up" I ask and for the first time all night I see a real smile.

"My dad passed when I was little so it was just me and my mom for a long time. I love her more than anything in this world, she means everything to me. When it was just her and I in Atlanta we would go roller skating or play in the park and although I wish someone was with us so mom wasn't so worried about money or taking care of me I adore our time together, just her and I. Her job got relocated to Seattle where she was born and raised when I was twelve so we moved there and it was hard at first. I loved Atlanta but Seattle ended up being my favorite. We lived in a run down apartment and didn't really get to go on great adventures outside of the city, but we would always dream. And I always did. Dreamed of a better life, having more money and taking care of my mom. I would do anything to keep her safe, especially now she's stuck in a hospital here in Chicago" she says.

"Is she sick" I wonder.

"She has breast cancer. She moved out here to get treatment around this time last year so she's closer to me but I still don't get to see her much. Her immune system is weak and I don't want to risk anything" she explains.

"So how did you end up in Chicago" I wonder.

"My husband" she admits and I felt like I got punched in the gut. I figured she was taken from the ring on her finger. But for some reason it still sucked to hear.

"He's a lucky man" I say as she smiles a little.

"He's something" she admits. Well that didn't sound good.

"Do I know of him" I wonder.

"Most likely. He's James Daniels. He's the quarterback of the Bears" she explains and my eyes go big.

"Holy shit. That's really cool! I've always wanted to meet him, he seems cool" I say.

She doesn't reply as she just stirs her ice cream. She let it melt enough so that it was more of a creamy texture. Her eyes stay fixated on her food telling me that this guy wasn't what I thought him to be.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now