.54. Last Name

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After the Cubs convention I take Celeste on a little trip down south. Since she brought me to her home I was going to return the favor and we even got to go to the Super Bowl since it was in Tampa this year. In a surprising turn of events the Bears made it back to the Super Bowl even without their premier quarterback. Turns out his teammates did a lot of the heavy lifting so even in James' absence they were still able to return to glory after a early exit last season.

So we spend a few days down in Florida. I have my parents come meet us in Tampa and we go out to lunch with Carmen and Jordan and a few of Celeste's friends she had from her time with the Bears. I meet a few more of the guys from the Bears team and it was pretty nice. You couldn't even tell they had the biggest game of the year tonight.

"So Anthony, any chance you can play a little football" Jordan asks me as he squeezes my arm muscles and I laugh.

"My brother was the football player. I played a little growing up but baseball was always where I belong. Plus I don't think I'm in the kind of shape that allows me to play football. Maybe a snapper" I joke.

"You could be a offensive linemen, they're reliable quick and athletic. Just like you" he tries.

"I don't want to cover up the money maker" I joke as Callie rolls her eyes at me. You would think she would be used to it by now.

We have a nice meal and they take off to the stadium to get ready. I get into my bag and grab the personalized Bears jersey I got when I brought the World Series trophy to a Bears game at solider field. It was their jersey but my name and number on it. I also got one made for Celeste but I wasn't sure she wanted it. Maybe she wanted one of Jordan's or one of her own. She's her own person after all.

"Baby" she says softly as I close my suitcase. I see her standing there looking at me with those big blue eyes and it makes me smile.

"What's up" I wonder.

"What are you wearing tonight" she asks. Almost like she knew what I was just thinking about.

"I got this jersey a few years back. I actually got you one made with my name and number so we would be matching but if you don't want to wear it that's okay too. I know when you came to my game over the summer you didn't really have a choice but what to wear to these kinds of things. If you want to support Jordan or some of the other guys that's fine" I ramble.

She softly placed her hand on top of mine as she gives me a soft smile. Sometimes words don't say what you want them to and a touch or a smile says what you cannot. And this let me know she appreciated what I was saying but like usual I was over thinking. 

Celeste grabs the jersey I had made for her and holds its up. She studies the material closely as if she's going to be tested on it soon.

She suddenly slips off her shirt she wore to lunch and slides on the jersey. I smile like a idiot as I watch her every move. She straightens out the jersey before turning to me with her arms out. "So, how do I look" she wonders.

"Breathtaking" I say barley above a whisper. I place my hand on her shoulder before running it down her arm. I take her hand in mine before pulling her close.

"This is perfect Anthony, thank you" she insists.

"I have to admit my name looks really good on you" I tease as she giggles.

"I think it looks great" she agrees.

"What do you think about that being your last name one day" I wonder carefully. I'm sure she can feel my palms get sweaty as her hand stays in mine.

"You're asking what I think about us being married" she concludes.

"Yeah, I am" I admit.

I watch her face to see if it can tell me anything her words cannot. But it was hard to read her, she wasn't shocked by this questions letting me know she has thought about it before to some extent. But I couldn't make out her feelings from her face alone.

"I don't want the last name Daniels anymore, I know that for sure" she smirks as I shake my head. "But marriage isn't anything like what I thought it would be. Ever since I was a married woman I was only part of something, never really feeling whole. And I don't mind sharing things, it's just that the line between you and I becomes blurred and I'm scared it's going to be more you than I" she explains.

"I want you to know that if you ever feel like in this relationship you don't have a voice or say I want you to tell me. Because married or not you're my better half. And you're not half of a person. You are wholesome and incredible in your own special way. You're 100% you and I don't want anything less from you.

But if I'm being honest I do hope to marry you someday. And not for some grand spectacle or to have the tittle of hottest baseball wife or just to be married. I want to marry you because I can't imagine my life without you. I want to marry you because spending time with you is the best thing I could ever do. To start a family and be the Rizzo's and live happily ever after, those are some dreams of mine. I just hope they're yours too" I insist.

"Of course baby" she says as she cups my cheek with her free hand. "I wouldn't be here without the intent of being with you for the rest of time. To have a family and go on these adventures and find so many things that will fill our cups. I just don't want marriage to be something I create of you in my head only for it to fall short again" she says.

"It'll be whatever we make it. It can be a adventure every day, never knowing what awaits us. Just knowing that whatever it is we will get through it because we will be together" I promise. 

"Well in that case I can't wait" she smiles.

We take off to the field and meet my parents there. We take a bunch of pictures and cheer the guys extra loud. The Patriots were no joke and they deserved to be here just as much as the bears did. But our boys pull of the win and Chicago was a city of champions once again.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now