.42. Opening Up

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As December comes around I try to make plans for the holidays. I usually go home to Florida for Christmas but I was kinda hoping to stay in Chicago this year. The holidays are a lot more magical where you get snow or it at least looks like that Christmas magic. And I would really like to celebrate with Celeste too since she hasn't had a real Christmas in a while.

She ends up coming over after she watched some of the kids for a few hours over at Jordan's house. She has it in her that she wants to be her own person, she doesn't want me paying for her for everything. There's a sense of pride in buying her own clothes and food and for her, after hearing for so many years that "everything you have and everything you are is mine" it's important to her to have things of her own. To be able to wear shoes she worked for and that she chose herself. I'm so proud of how much she has grown in such a short amount of time and what she's been able to do.

"What's the plans for tonight" she wonders as she sits on the couch. Her short hair pulled back ready to chill out for the night.

"Why don't we play some Mario kart" I suggest. I already had it cued up.

"Alright, what's that" she wonders.

Way too often I forget that there's many many things in this world she simply doesn't know about. So much she has to learn and see that I just assume she understands. But I am happy that I get to be with her as she gets to see new things even if it's just a silly video game.

"It's one of the best games out there. And it's easy, I promise" I say.

"Alright, then let's do it" she smiles.

So I teach her the simple things like how to turn and go faster. Then we get into power ups and collecting things to help you win. I had a little bit of an advantage knowing a lot of the courses. But I take it easy the first few rounds as she learns the way.

It didn't take too long for her to get the hang of it. She was actually pretty competitive which I didn't know. She played soccer in high school and could have played in college should the path she followed be one of her own. Celeste was offered a scholarship to play at Alabama just like James was but she gave up soccer to be there for him. But now I see for myself just how competitive she gets and it's actually really hot.

"So what are your plans for the winter" I wonder. I needed her distracted for a little so I don't end up with a controller in my head if she got upset.

"I'm actually about to go back home to Seattle for a week and see my mom" she explains and I smile. I know she's been wanting to get back home and I'm so happy she has her chance now.

"That's great Callie. I'm really happy for you" I nod.

"I was actually gong to ask if you wanted to come with" she claims and I get frozen for a second. I quickly unfreeze as I set my controller next to me.

"You want to bring me home" I ask.

"I would really like to, yeah. You can meet some of my family and see mom again. She really misses you" she claims.

"I would love to come with. I just don't want to cause you any trouble" I insist.

After our date word got around that we were together and people started to talk. While Celeste wants to be above this whole situation and not call out James for the monster he is, everyone doesn't know why she left or the fact that she wasn't moving too fast, if anything this was years over due. The people who are close to the situation know the truth and are supportive of Celeste. Even James' mother is helping her out. But to the outside world it looked like she left one relationship because she was in another even though that wasn't true. We were never dating while they were together and until the end we never even kissed. Celeste was not to blame in any way shape or form but they don't know that. They think James is heartbroken and was cheated on even though he got caught nearly a dozen times actually doing things he shouldn't while they were still together. Shit like that doesn't matter when you are a misogynistic sports fan. Even with the evidence and the statements they won't believe her, that's why she's not wasting her energy on it.

But it also makes her feel like her and I need to be a little more careful going around. I'm not saying make our relationship a secret, but give us time to learn more about each other before making it official and letting the legal actions play out. The divorce can take anywhere between two weeks to two months. Since Celeste isn't asking for anything it should go quick, depending on how cooperative James is going to be. We got her a great lawyer and everything. But it isn't making all of this any easier.

So her asking me to come home with her was a big deal, at least for me. The fact she is opening up to me and willingly showing me things about herself, it means a lot. I was excited to go with her and see who she was before she got turned into a machine.

"Well I'm staying at moms so you and I are going to have to share my old bed" she tells me.

"I'm okay with that" I nod.

"And we're driving so I'm gonna need a 30 hour playlist" she insists.

"I can help drive too. It's gonna be a fun little road trip" I smile.

"Sweet. Thanks for coming with me. I know our relationship, whatever you want to call it, probably isn't what you hoped it to be. But I'm happy I can still love you" she insists.

I pull her into a quick kiss before she smiles at me. "I love you most" I promise.

"Alright, now pull the game back up I want to kick your ass" she claims making me chuckle.

"Yes mam" I tease.

We play ten more games before I had to cut her off. She was about ten seconds away from putting a hole through my tv and I just got this one. So she does her homework for the day and I try to make us some dinner. I wasn't a chef by any means but I was trying to learn how to cook. Once our chicken was done we sit down and enjoy a nice meal together, just the two of us.

Celestial Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now