.91. Mrs. Rizzo

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Starting a job with the end of my pregnancy and the post season around the corner probably isn't the best idea. I'm gonna have to go on maternity leave once the baby gets here and I'll follow Anthony wherever he ends up on his quest to win a championship again. But it's a lot easier to get through a door once it's opened so I had to open it.

I end up at a local agency that does a lot of good work. Not just designing for the high end people like Seiko and Yu but people buying their first house and trying to find something affordable or someone moving because they're starting a family and need a bigger space. We're here for people who don't know how much storage they'll need or what size couch or what they want to come home to every day. Having the opportunity to help people find a home, as I have, means a lot to me. And I couldn't wait.

The office that this agency works from was in the heart of Chicago. A lot doesn't really happen here but we have meetings and planning outlines if we ever get stuck. It was nice to come here and get things done because lord knows if and when I'm working from home I'll never be focused.

I walk in and find my desk. My co-workers decorated it with some cute little things like a water bottle with my name on it and a new laptop case with the agencies name on it and a bunch of snacks. The welcome sign was hand made and probably my favorite part. Those little things are always greatly appreciated. I take a picture of all of the cute stuff they got me before tucking them away where they need to be. I pull out my laptop and get to work. My co-workers come by every so often to check on me and answer my questions. I already had a few emails about making appointments and I couldn't wait. After training and schooling I was finally where I want be.

"Is there a Mrs. Rizzo here" someone announces as they walk into the office. I throw my face in my hands as I shake my head. Already messing with me on my first day of work, this man is going to be the end of me.

"That's me" I mumble. The delivery man walks over and sets a beautiful bouquet of flowers down on my desk. I thank him for doing his job well and he takes off.

"I thought you guys weren't married yet" my friend Kathy says.

"We're not. But that doesn't stop him because I would be lying if I said this if the first time he has pulled this" I laugh.

"He's got a sense of humor" she admits.

"He's something. But he keeps things fun and loose and I appreciate that. Starting a new job is scary but he put a smile on my face so his plan works out" I shrug.

"I guess it does" she agrees.

I take the note off the flowers and could barley read his awful hand writing but I know he means well. I decide to give him a call because it was only a matter of time before he called me first. He picks up on the first ring making me smile.

"Hey baby" he answers.

"You mean Mrs. Rizzo" I tease.

"Man they deliver fast" he admits.

"And loud" I admit.

"Oh shit. I didn't think they would announce it like that. I am so sorry" he starts.

"Sorry for what" I ask.

"For making such a scene on your first day there. I didn't mean to embarrass you" he tries.

"Babe I would rather be called Mrs. Rizzo than Miss Daniels any day. I wasn't exactly ready for it no, but it was kinda funny to see everyone's reactions. Considering it's my first day here they could have been convinced that we were married but I assured them first comes love then comes the baby in the baby carriage" I tease.

"That's is most defiantly not how that saying goes" he chuckles.

"It is for us" I smile.

"I guess you're right. As long as you're okay with it I'm happy. I just wanted you to have a good first day and enjoy the start of your professional career" he says.

"I am. And the flowers are beautiful, thank you" I reply. 

We take a little while longer before he lets me go. I jump back into work and try to think up ideas and layouts to use for different things. Stuff like this always came natural to me, I had a vision of where things should go to make a room seem bigger and the colors that make it feel like home. Of course being stuck in a apartment watching nothing but home improvement shows helped but that doesn't make you a expert. The schooling definitely does. And now I can help as much as possible.

I decide to go to lunch with a few of the people there. Everyone was super nice but my desk sat next to Kathy and a older gentleman named Darren. They pulled me into their little group and made it their mission to make me feel welcomed and I did. And they offered to buy me lunch so as a pregnant woman I did not turn it down.

We end up at Panera where I could get a salad and some Mac and cheese that will fill me up. We sit around and get to know each other better. Kathy has been here for two years and Darren for ten. I've seen the things they've done and they're both really good at their jobs. I hope I'll be that good one day.

"So Celeste, you've had quite a crazy life" Kathy noticed as I finish giving my speel about how I got here today.

"It's been something incredible. One of the rags to riches only to realize that my life was more rich in my rags. And of course I love where I am now, Chicago is where I want to be and Anthony is my soul mate. But we're not that couple that is relied on money. We both work and we both have dreams that we can achieve within our fields. It's nice to be where I thought I would be" I admit.

"And we're really happy to have you here" Darren smiles. He is such a sweetheart.

We finish up lunch and return to the office. I let out a deep sigh as I look around. I really think I'm going to love it here.

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