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As y'all know, I don't write steamy chaps so Brielle_Iris_04 has been sending me some lovely chapters, so here ya are.
Hi guys! So I'll make this quick. My names Brielle and I wrote this duh. If you guys have any feedback or anything just tag and comment. Also any request of some more steamy chapters with Christopher are perfect, I love writing. Add in a scenario with them and I'll try my best, okay now back to the chapter.

Neither of them had gone into that room intending to watch some movies and get cozy in the bed. Well, they wanted to get cozy, but not in a holy sense. When had Y/n realized her feelings for Christopher, and when had he realized his for her?

That didn't matter now, all that mattered was that they were obviously there. And because Christopher cared so much about Y/n he had waited what felt like forever for her, the last thing he'd ever want if for her to feel as if he's ever forcing anything onto her. He was aware that he could've kissed her at any time and she more than likely would've kissed back, and that's why he held back.

He wanted her to make the first move, to some extent anyway. She was the type of person who would kiss him back because she wouldn't want to lose him, she would've kissed him back whether she harboured romantic feelings towards him or not.

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" She asked looking up at him, despite the inches she had grown over the past few years, he still seemed so much taller than her. And him just standing there was sending her mixed signals, maybe she had misread the situation. "I mean... you don't have to if you don't want to. I just came in here hoping you would."

"Of course I want to kiss you," he smiled, brushing some strands of hair out of his face before he leaned over so he could be eye level with her. "I was just fantasizing."

"About what? Can you tell me?" Her voice was quieter, softer even because she really didn't want to say anything overly stupid. "But it's probably easier if you just showed me."

He wanted to laugh, not because what she was saying was funny or ridiculous, but because he was just so happy. He'd never verbalized it, but he couldn't even begin to count how many times he thought about being able to call her his.

But he knew better than to laugh, as she may take it the wrong way. Maybe she'd think this was a sick joke, fun off to her room and rethink everything.

"Hmm, I guess it would just be easier to show you," he said before sealing his lips over hers.

She felt herself relax against him, arms hooking around the back of his neck so she could pull her closer. He had one hand cupping her face, fingers gently stroking her cheek as he explored her mouth. Meanwhile his other snaked around her waist pushing her tank top up slightly, letting his finger slide over her bare skin. And everything he nipped at her bottom lip ever so slightly with his teeth.

She decided that it'd be best if they were to head to the before she ended up pulling him down onto the ground. They continued to kiss as she pushed herself up the bed until the back of her head found the plush pillows. Christopher continued to push up her tank top until she had to pull away to free herself from it, pulling off her bra at the same time.

"I didn't know you had these," he said against her skin as he trailed kisses down her jaw and to her chest. "Can I?"

"Please," she breathed out tangling her hand in his hair.

He circled her nipple with the tip of his tongue, kneading her other breast with his hand. Her teeth were digging into her lip to suppress any noises that threatened to escape her lips. Never would he have expected her to be that sensitive, "do me a favour and tie up my hair."

What I could do for you || Christopher pathWhere stories live. Discover now