I played Genshin for five hours straight

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Y/n's pov

So... I really don't need this right now, I mean I don't need a huge fight.

"Wakatoshi, it's nothing," I say. "Nothing, no killing, nothing wrong, I promise."

"So my sisters just your little housepet?" Wakatloshi asked making his way over to the living room. "You can treat her like shit?"

"Wakatoshi, whatever Shirabu said it's nothing to worry about," I say scrambling to my feet to stand in front of him. "You can go home, it's nothing."

"No Y/n, I can't go home, I need to have a private discussion with Christopher," he says, still very much angry.

"No Wakatoshi, it's fine," I say pushing on him, trying to get him out of the apartment. "Everything's fine, you can go."

"If everything was fine I wouldn't be up here," he says.

"Yeah man, she said everything's fine, so it's fine," Christopher says. "You can leave, why does everyone feel the need to interrupt me?"

"You can't just use my sister for sex, you should drop dead," he says.

"No no Wakatoshi, whatever Shirabu says don't believe him, please," I say. "It's nothing, don't worry, calm down and I'll explain. Absolutely nothing is wrong here."

"I need to talk to you outside," he says, referring to Christopher. "Now, I'm not fighting in front of my sister. Y/n, you're staying in here."

"You can't tell her what to do," Christopher says. "You don't own her."

"And you do?" he asks.

"I'm her boyfriend," he shrugs. "Take that as you will."

That only seemed to make his blood boil even more. And Christopher needs to stop trying to get his money's worth.

"Outside, now," Wakatoshi says.

"No please, don't listen to him," I say. "Both of you need to stop."

"Y/n, it's for your own good," he says heading towards the door. "Christopher, hurry up."

"Christopher, don't add to it," I say rushing over to him as he stands up. "I don't want you guys fighting, please."

"Don't worry Bird, it'll be fine," he laughs. "Just sit tight, a little roughhousing has never killed anyone."

"Please," I say pushing on his chest, just wanting him to sit back down and not fight. "I don't want my two favourite people ever in the world on bad terms. Did I mention that the two are you are my favourite? Because you guys are, I love you."

"It's just some fun," he assures me. "Don't get so worked up, if we fight, we fight, if not then we don't."

"He's really mad, really really mad," I say. "I've never seen him this mad, it's not going to be fun."

"Chin up Bird," he smiles. "It's just a little fun."

And with that, he followed my brother out, and of course, I started to panic. Though future me would see me as a complete fool, but we aren't there yet. I spent a good portion of time pacing back and forth, talking to my recently returned cat.

I couldn't hear anything, so I could only assume they brought it to the streets. Putting an angry guy with another guy is not good, especially when one is Wakatoshi and the other thinks getting into fistfights is fun.

I promise that I was trying to remain calm, and assume they'd just talk things out, but he looked really angry. And you guys know me, someone could frown at me and I'd start crying, so that what I did, though it was less dramatic than usual. But still.

I cried like a loser until the suspense of wondering who was killed in the parking lot got to me and I need to make sure that everything's okay. So I grabbed some shoes before swinging open the door.

That's when I saw a perfectly fine, Wakatohsi, Christopher and Shirabu.

"Hi Bird," he smiles. "I told you that everything was going to be fine."

"I didn't know we were going to make her cry," Wakatoshi says.

"That's just an added bonus for me," Shirabu laughs.

"What's going on?" I ask wiping my face.


"That's for shoving me in a box in high school," he says. "I tend to hold grudges and having you on the brink of a breakdown is enough payback, have a good rest of your day Y/n. I'll be going back to my school now."

He walks away like the little hoe he is.

"See, no harm no foul," Christopher laughs. "Didn't mean to make you cry though."

"That wasn't funny," I say. "I thought one of you was going to get punched in the face, and how the hell did you come up with this?"

"Shirabu called earlier," Wakatoshi says. "So I messaged Christopher, asking him."

"Christopher, you're sleeping on the couch," I say.

"What?" he questions. "Please Bird, I won't do anything like this again."

"The couch is generous, you can sleep in the bathtub, I don't care," I scoff. "Do stupid shit, get stupid sleeping arrangements."

"Ha, Christopher has to sleep in the bathtub," Wakatoshi says.

"I'm going to message Tendo, and he's going to make you sleep in the bathtub too," I say. "You did not need to come in here looking so angry."

"It was Christopher's idea," he says. "Not mine."

"I don't care," I say. "See you later Wakatoshi."

"Have fun living with an irritated Y/n," he says turning to leave. "She's stubborn, but it won't last."

He's right, it doesn't last. Because fast forward to the middle of the night, I wake up, stretching my arms out around the mattress trying to find Christopher. If we had a bed frame right now I would've had a pretty nasty fall, I was lucky.

Anyway, it was dark, and I practically ran to the bathroom as to not get killed by the monsters. And there he was, passed out in the bathtub with lots of blankets and pillows. Legs sticking since he couldn't really find a comfortable position.

Now, what would have been a good choice is to wake him up, bring him to our bedroom to sleep. And for once I actually used my brain, though he didn't budge. So I had to retreat back to our room to sleep alone, promising myself that I'd never let him sleep in the bathtub again.

Just kidding, I grabbed my blanket before I forced myself into the bathtub with him, getting comfortable.

"Bird, what are you doing?" he asked, voice groggy.

"I'm going to sleep," I say.

"You shoulda woke me up, this is going to be very uncomfortable," he says. "Come on."

"No, I'm comfortable," I say. "Move me yourself if you want to sleep in the bed."

"I can't even get up," he says. "Come on, Bird."

"If you didn't act like a fool, we wouldn't be here," I mumble.

"I'm sorry," he laughs. "I love you, you know that?"

"I know," I yawn.

"So can we move to the bed?" he asks.

"No," I say.

"I love you," he says again. "Lots."

"I love myself too," I say.

I need your predictions for the Tsukishima fic.


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