Y/n will get everything she wishes for

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Y/n's pov

The week that followed was pretty crazy, to say the least. I had to get a lawyer because of the letter, and I had to decide whether or not I would be taking Kasumi in. Really, how could I say no to her? I was basically in her position when I was a baby, it would just be wrong. Plus, she's already been calling me mom and has a panic attack whenever I have to leave her alone.

I think she thinks I might not come back.


Christopher had to deal with some of that paperwork too since we live together or whatever. So I guess that really means he isn't going anywhere, though I still want to punch him in the face.

As for being pregnant with two babies, I do not like it one bit. I feel sick and bloated all the time, I find some foods gross but then I find myself eating others I never really liked before. I don't plan on forcing an explanation out of Christopher, I figured since Kei thought it was fine I really don't need to worry.

Kei doesn't even like the guy, so he really has no reason to hide anything for him.

Another thing, Christopher has met Kasumi, she's actually been back at our apartment for the past three days. I just want them to get along. I haven't actually seen or talked to him, but I didn't really want to.

But now, I do want to go home, I miss him because I really do love him. Also, he deserves to be annoyed by a hormonal pregnant me. I cry a lot, for no reason, he deserves it.

"Do I look pregnant or fat?" I ask Kei as I sit in his passenger seat.

"You look like your stalling time to go and see your boyfriend," he says. "Go up there, he's with your guy's daughter."

"Feels weird," I say.

"Having a kid?" he asks. "Because you should lose that feeling, you're about to have two more."

"I know," I say. "I just don't like being pregnant, I wish babies came sooner than nine months."

"Nine months will come and go," he says. "You don't have to have any more kids after this. You'll be happy once you have your baby boys."

"They are not boys," I say. "They are girls."

"Keep telling yourself that," he says.

"I think one kid is enough," I say. "I mean, I'm not even married yet."

"Who cares," he shrugs. "Just go up and makeup or make out with Christopher so he can stop harassing me over the phone."

"Okay okay," I say getting out of his car. "I'll see you some time."

"Yeah, some time," he nods his head. "Now go up there and see him."


Yes, I did walk extremely slow back up to our apartment, and yes I did listen out by the door before walking inside.

"I'm home," I say, and almost immediately Christopher came out of the spare bedroom and up to me.

"Bird, I am so so so sorry," he says bringing his hands up. "I am so so stupid, god, I'm sorry."

"What the hell happened to your face?" I cringe.

"Your brother."

Yeah Y/n, I think one kid is more than enough. And I really do wish that pregnancies lasted less than nine months.


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