🍋I give up, anytime you want a steamy chapter Brielle will write it🍋

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Agagagag, Crouton just messaged me like three hours ago saying I could write a chapter!!! So this is kinda rushed but I don't care, don't be mad, she caved in guys. I'll be able to write more in the future per your guy's request, I honestly should not be this excited.

"Christopher, why don't you ever get jealous?" she asked wrapping her arms around the back of his neck almost the moment they got back to the apartment and he found himself a spot on the couch. "Christopher, aren't you annoyed?"

Of course, he was annoyed, he had spent hours with his friends watching guys flirt with his girlfriend. He really wanted to pluck her away, but it was clear that she was just trying to get a reaction out of him, he didn't feel like letting her. Now usually, he'd give her just want she wanted, be the protective boyfriend and all that, but how could he forget her intense teasing earlier?

"What? Do you you want me to be annoyed at you?" he asked. "Annoyed for what exactly? Maybe remind me what you did that may need me to get irritated."

She sighed setting herself on his leg, pressing her lips against his jaw in hopes to get something out of this. I mean, really, she wouldn't have been trying to get under his skin if she truly thought it wouldn't lead to more.

"I let guys flirt with me and I teased you," she said, still letting her lips drag across his skin. "Sorry."

He wasn't stupid, he obviously knew how she'd want to be treated, he knew a lot about her, and maybe never telling her what to do was his own teasing method.

"If you're sorry then I'm sure you wouldn't mind making it up to me," he brushed any hair that was covering her face. "But I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you want, isn't it?"

"And what do you suggest?" she asked, letting her head hang back. "How can I make it up to you?"

"By not going around letting guys think that have a chance with you," He grinned gripping her face with his hand. "I would've rather had you flirting with Nick, since then I'd at least know it wasn't anything. If you oh so desperately wanted something from me, you should've dropped to your knees and done it properly."

She gulped, nodding her head as much as she could with the grip he had on her, honestly, she'd been waiting for him to have a change in attitude. Yes, she loved how he always was a gentleman and took good care of her, but she also found the glint of lust in his eyes was extremely attractive.

Y/n quickly slipped off the couch for the second time that day, this time no trikes in place. Her movements were almost desperate as she fiddled with the buttons of his pants, trying to slip them low enough. He helped her a bit, looking down at her with his usual smile replaced with a devilish grin.

He managed to keep himself composed the whole time she took his cock into her hand, jerking him off slightly. Running the tip of her tongue against his most sensitive spots, leaving open-mouthed kisses trying to get him to even make the tiniest sound, but he wasn't turnt so easily.

"What? Not so tough are you?" he laughed folding his arms behind his head. "Don't worry, I think you can take it."

With his prompting, she gently wrapped her lips around his head, sucking slightly. Y/n focused on hollowing out her cheeks and relaxing her throat, preparing herself to attempt to take all of him. She was barely able to move her tongue around while he was in her mouth, but clearly, her efforts were enough as Christopher's breath had now hitched.

Y/n's head slowly bobbed up and down, pumping what she couldn't git into her mouth with her hand. She watched him as he pulled off his shirt in one swift motion, never letting his eyes stray from her form too much when he did so.

What I could do for you || Christopher pathWhere stories live. Discover now