Aight, I'm going to play genshin now

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n," yeah, of course, Wakatoshi's here. "Are you home?"

"One second," I say making my way over to the door to open it. "Can I help you?"

"I just came to say hello," he says.

"So, Christopher asked you to swing by and make sure I was alright?" I ask letting him inside. "That right?"

"I care about you too," he says slipping off his shoes. "You're my sister."

"That I am," I say making my way over to the couch. "Thanks for caring."

"You spend a lot of time in your apartment," he says. "I worry for you."

"What use do I have to go around outside?" I ask. "I got to work, and I get groceries, I got to the park too. I leave enough times, if you came here to drag me outside I'm not going. I feel sick."

"Christopher said that you were feeling fine," he says. "Are you feeling ill now, should I call him? You seem agitated."

"Wakatoshi, I'm five months pregnant with twins, I'm not going to ever be feeling the best," I say. "After these kids are born I'm not going to get any sleep, or time to relax. So yes, I am agitated right now, being pregnant is not fun."

"Christopher said that you won't even step a foot into the nursery, and you didn't want your own copy of the ultrasound photo," he says.

"Okay, so what?" I ask. "I don't have to see the stuff we bought for them, I don't need to look at the ultrasound photos, they're with me twenty-four seven."

"Have you thought of any of any names while you've sat here all alone?" he asks.

"I'm not alone, I have shit-ling," I say.


"See," I motion my hand towards her. "And no, I haven't thought of any names, Christopher can do that."

"There are your kids too," he says. "You should get out and see your friends, and anybody."

"Last month was Christmas, mom was in town, I saw everybody then," I say. "I gave gifts, got some, it was fun. What more am I supposed to do? I'm tired."

"Are you giving the babies Japanese names?" he asks. "What about last names."

"Last names will be hyphenated, just like when I get married," I say. "And Japanese names."

"Are you still going to therapy?" he asks.

"No, I stopped going two months ago," I shrug. "Not that it's any of your business... Have you been talking about this shit to Christopher? I swear to god I will-."

"No, I didn't talk to him about this, it's your privacy," he says. "But I didn't know you didn't tell him that you went to therapy."

"I didn't feel the need to tell him, he doesn't need to know," I say. "Doesn't need to know that I'm crazy or something."

"But you aren't crazy," he says. "And your life is not going to be over because you are having kids."

"I never said it was," I say.

"Did you even talk to Christopher about anything?" he asks. "Because I think you should."

"I don't want to stay home with the kids all the time," I say. "And you can't put babies in daycare, you're supposed to wait until they're year old."

"If you don't want to stay at home with them until they're one, Christopher can stay with them at home," he says. "You both stay home for a couple of weeks, then you can keep going to the office or whatever. Then once they can go into daycare, both of you can go to work. He can also work from home if you need help, it will be fine."

"I'm not asking him to stay home with the kids," I say.

"Why not? The mom doesn't have to stay home with the kids," he says. "Christopher does the cleaning and cooking already, let him stay home."

"What if he doesn't want to?" I ask. "What if he doesn't want to stay with them, what am I supposed to do?"

"Just talk to him," he says. "Before the babies are born."

"Do you think the babies are going to be boys?" I ask.

"I hope they're boys," he says. "What about you? Do you want boys?"

"Maybe," I shrug.

"I'll take Kasumi for a sleepover," Wakatoshi says. "Satori wants to see her, then you can talk to Christopher."

After all this time, he's finally started calling Tendo by his first name. But I get it, I still call Tendo Tendo.

"Bye Wakaotshi," I say. "Thanks for actually being useful this time."

"I am always useful," he says. "What are you talking about?"

"Bye Wakatoshi," I laugh.

There, I'll make her not so depressed, but I'm not always gonna make it happy. Having kids and being pregnant is not all fun.


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