Christopher is shaking rn

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Y/n's pov

He didn't follow me out, and I didn't even bother trying to hear what he was saying to me, I just left. Got in my car and started driving, then someone rear-ended me. And this folks is why I don't drive.

"Oh my god, oh my god," I could hear the lady say as she ran up to my window. "Miss, are you okay?"

Really, it was a tap, a small tap, and a little jolt.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say.

"I am so so sorry, I don't know what's wrong," she says panicking. "Oh my god, I'll call the police or an ambulance, right away."

"Oh really I'm fine," I shake my head. "It's nothing really, I'll just get your insurance number, it's fine."

"You're bleeding," she says. "You should see a doctor, wait right here I'll grab my phone, oh my god this is terrible."

"Really I'm fine," I say before glancing into the mirror. "Holy shit, my fucking forehead."

Okay, maybe it wasn't a tap, I just kinda busted open my forehead a bit.

"I'm so sorry, I have this kid with me, she runs off I have her now," she says still scrambled. "She saw you and that triggered her or something, and she started grabbing my arms, I'm so sorry."

"It's her, it's her, I told you that it's her," a little girl says running up behind the lady. "I told you it was her, it's Y/n, the Y/n in the letter, I told you."

"Um, who's that?" I ask. "You're daughter?"

"No no," she shakes her head. "I work at the children's home, she just fixates on things sometimes, I really don't know what it is."

"Let me in the car," she says tugging on the back door handle. "Please, let me in."

"Kasumi, just go back to the car," she says. "Please."

"Kasumi?" I ask. "That's her name?"

"Yes, it is," the lady says.

"She can get in the car," I say. "I mean, I'll have to drive to the hospital and you'll have to come to, she can stay in here if she really wants to."

"Okay, yeah of course," she says helping Kasumi into the car. "I'll follow right behind you, again, I'm so sorry."

The kid got into the car, and the lady left back to her car.

"I'm sorry about your face, lady," she says. "It's my fault."

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt much," I say. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah," she says.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm three," she says. "But old hag says I act like I'm an adult, says it's not a compliment."

(old hag in this story and the other are two completely different people btw)

"Who's your mom?" I ask. "Sorry, you just look like someone I've met before."

"Here is a letter from my mom to you," she says handing it to me. "She left me some stuff before she went up to the clouds."

"I'll read it once we get to the hospital," I say.

"And here's a photo, you know my mom," she says handing it to me.

"The lady from the park?" I question. "She's your mom?"

"Uh-huh," she nods her head. "She said you can help me, look on the back."

'My dearest Kasumi,

This is the woman who gave you both of your names. Should you need help, I am sure she'd be willing'

"Both your names?" I ask, still somewhat shocked.

"Ushijima Kasumi, it's a pleasure to meet you," she smiles.

Lol, moment.


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