Re-wrote this chap multiple times

222 21 7

Y/n's pov

I managed to get everything I wanted, well everything I needed to say out. I told Christopher how I felt mostly, it's just really hard. And from what I saw, he seemed to understand.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Bird," he shook his head. "I should've asked you if you even wanted kids, I didn't even think about the emotional weight this could but on you, not just physical."

"It's fine," I say.

"No, it's not," he says taking my hand. "I need to pay attention more, I will pay attention more. I never expected you to stay home all the time, I should've told you. The only thing you have to do is take care of yourself, I'll be here."

"It's okay, really," I say letting my fingers glid over his engagement ring that we had bought soon after I got mine.

"See Bird," he says interlocking our fingers. "It's a promise, I promise to take care of you, whenever you need me, I'll be here. Even when you're mad at me, I'll still be kicking around in that tub."

"You act as if you sleep in the tub every night," I laugh.

"There's that laugh I fell in love with," he smiles. "Chin up Bird, I'll always be here."

"I know," I say, squeezing his hand. "It's just scary, I guess."

"It's okay to be scared," he says quickly kissing my cheek. "I'm nervous."

"You're gonna be a great dad, you already are a great dad," I say. "Kasumi adores you."

"She loves you more," he laughs. "Always, mom this and mom that, she loves you. And you are a great mom, Y/n."

"When you call me Y/n, it makes me feel like I'm in trouble or something," I say. "It's weird."

"Alright Bird," he says. "Kasumi said the same thing other day."

"What?" I ask. "You call her Bee right?"

"Yep, she's always buzzing around," he says. "It seemed fitting."

"Birds and the Bees, what an odd set of nicknames," I say. "Weird."

"Oh whatever, they're cute," he says. "Just like the both of you."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "We're so cu-ow, those fucking boys."

"Are they kicking?" he asks excitedly. "The twins, are they kicking?"

"Yeah, those little assholes," I say. "Can't wait till they're old enough to be grounded."

"Can I feel?" he asks.

I swear he acts like this anytime these stupid boys kick me, and I never let him feel it.

"Fine," I sigh leaning back. "Go ahead, the boys are gonna like you better anyway."

"Since when were they boys?" he asks logihtly feeling my stomach.

"Since they were assholes," I say. "One kicks at the back, and the other likes to kick me right in the ribs. It's so annoying."

"Oh my god, oh my god," he says. "Look, feel it."

"Christopher, I can feel them," I say. "All day everyday I can feel them."

"Oh yeah," he laughs. "You're doing great."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "Why are you so excited?"

"Becuase they're moving of course," he says. "Our babies."

"Assholes actually," I say.

"Don't call them that," he says. "They'll remember that and be wild."

"I don't care," I say. "Thats what they are."

"Do you think they'll play sports?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say moving to lay back onto the couch. "Maybe."

"Bee likes skating, so she can be the sport one," he says. "God, I love them already and I havne't even met them yet."

I'm gonna just make the story more happy, I wasn't gonna write this chapter but people want it more happier. So I'll take a more unrelaitic turn, I just tend to write more relatiic things because that's what get attention I guess. Like my poems get published into some books because of the realism, so it'll be pretty happy now. Though I'm not throwing away one of the small plans I have.


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