Pov you're Y/n

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Y/n's pov

"Morning," Christopher smiled, once I finally woke up and was able to use some of my brain.

"Goodmorning sleepy head how you doin'?" I smile back.

"I'm the sleepy one here?" he laughs. "Hardly."

"I can't help but sleep in so much, I was tired," I yawn. "And you're like a life-size hot pocket, you're so warm it's hard to get up."

"Then don't, you can lay here all you want," he says. "I won't complain."

"I know that, can you grab me a shirt?" I ask, shifting so I'm not laying on him anymore. "So nice of you to let me go to sleep naked."

"Hey, you aren't naked, we're wearing the same amount of clothing," he says rolling out of the bed. "It's fine."

"Underwear Christopher and you don't have tits like me, I need a shirt," I say. "And some shorts."

"Here you go," he hands me a pair of shorts along with a t-shirt.

"Hey now, just because I'm putting on clothes doesn't mean you need to, feel free to walk around in your boxers," I say.

"Sheesh Bird, if you want to check me out just say that," he says tugging on some shorts. "But I'll leave the shirt off if it makes you happy."

"It does. So what do you think about my Adam Sandler fit?" I ask giving him a spin. "Hot right?"

"Very," he laughs. "Who needs lingerie when you have baggy shorts and a t-shirt."

"Jokes on you, I don't own any lingerie," I say. "Just t-shirt bras and underwear."

"Cute underwear," he says walking over to me.

"Look, I only wore them because they're comfortable and I didn't think we were gonna fuck as soon as we got home," I say. "And don't be looking at my underwear perv."

"How am I supposed to take your clothes off, with my eyes closed?" she asks.

"Go ahead," I say. "But only if you've got the skill."

"I'll pretend like that wasn't just shade," he laughs kissing the top of my head. "Now come on, let me make you some breakfast."

"A man who can cooks? Plus some added bonus features?" I question, trailing behind him to the kitchen. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"And what are those added features?" he asks, opening up the fridge.

"Big heart, big brain, big muscles, big t-shirts I can steal, just you know," I shrug. "I gotta keep it pg for the kids here."

"Mhm," he nods his head. "Okay, so I didn't think this through and since we're just on a trip I don't really have anything I can cook up."

"Ramen, make me some instant ramen," I say. "With a pizza pop on the side, and maybe a green tea along with a painkiller."

"You're sore?" he asks. "Are you alright?"

"Just a bit," I say. "But more importantly I have a fat ass-"

"Oh I'm aware of that," he snickers.

"I was gonna say that I have a fat ass headache from all that god awful banging, but I guess carrying around this dump truck does take its toll on my back," I laugh. "Can you go and check on the banging first though, maybe knock them out."

"Yeah of course," he says walking over to the door, and of course I follow behind him. "Hey what's all this banging-"

"Oh Christopher, have you seen Y/n, she was supposed to be back-" Wakatoshi starts.

"Oh, I found her," Tendo says once he sees me peek out his apartment suit.

"That isn't her apartment," Wakatoshi says. "It can't be her, sorry to disturb you and your date. I will continue knocking on Y/n's door until Y/n answers."

And that was one of the most embarrassing walks I have ever taken. Walking down the hall to drag my brother and his boyfriend, into my boyfriend's apartments. And not just a boyfriend, a boyfriend he had no clue about, a guy he hasn't liked from the beginning. And it was glaringly obvious based on the way we looked, that we didn't have a fun sleepover last night, and Tendo surely didn't help.

"I'll take it you two had fun," Tendo says plopping himself down on the sofa.

Haha, I'm so funny.


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