🍋Mfs can't always be fucking🍋

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Hi guys! You don't know how many times I ask Crouton to let me write another chapter, ahh so here it is.


"So a movie was it?" he asked cocking his eyebrow as he sat down beside her. "What do you want to watch?"

"Lost the remote," she shrugged, moving to straddle his waist, lazily wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. "Oops."

She placed gentle kisses along his jawline, smiling into each one as she moved further down. Lightly nipping at the warm skin of his neck, sucking but nowhere near hard enough to leave any actual mark as any teasing he'd receive from his friends later would only make her embarrassed.

"Mmh," he nodded his head, watching as she slipped his hands under his tank top, tracing his muscles with the tips of her fingers. His finger hooked under her chin to bring her face back up towards his face. "You can just ask, y'know. I could never say no to this."

"I know," she smiled leaning into his touch, letting her lips brush against his until he pulled her closer to close the gap.

Kissing her as if he hadn't touched her in ages, in reality, he's spent almost all of his time with her, not that he minded. He absolutely adored her, everything about her actually. His tongue pushed past her lips, but the makeout session didn't last long until she pulled away, catching her breath.

"How could I ever say no to such a pretty face?" he asked, brushing his fingers across her lips before letting them travel down to her lips. "I don't think I could even if I tried."

"Well then it looks like I'm in luck," he lightly laughed, teaching the outline of his muscles through his tank top, leaning to kiss him once again.

Even when she was the one to initiate it, she was always the one left breathless and flustered. But this time around, she was gonna make him flustered. Christopher couldn't help but let a smirk creep onto his face as she slips off the couch, positioning herself on her knees in between his legs.

Her current position wasn't aiding in the slight size kink he may or may not have, but she really did look small as her fingers curled underneath the waistband of his shorts. Looking up at him tugging just a bit.

Then she got up and seated herself right beside him on the couch, pulling out the remote she had shoved between the couch cushions.

"So what do you want to watch?" she asked casually, flipping through the channels. "I was thinking maybe a k-drama, or anything else."

Christopher had his hand covering the bottom half of his clearly red face when she cancelled over at him.

"Oh, what's wrong Christopher?" she asked, trying to hold back her smile. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No no," he shook his head, pulling his hand away to reveal his usual smile. "I'm fine."

"Really?" she asked. "Because you look a bit red, are you sure?"

"Oh I'm sure," he let out a small laugh. "Just remember that I can play the same games as you, Bird."

Yeah, there was a whole chapter from @Brielle_Iris_04 but I decided to cut it and change the end, oops.


What I could do for you || Christopher pathWhere stories live. Discover now