Sm said it's too early for Y/n and Christopher to get engaged, idc lol

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He's literally been in love with her for four years or something like that, it's fine.

Y/n's pov

"You weren't supposed to say anything about this," Christopher says taking both of the rings. "It was a surprise."

"Oops," Kasumi says. "Maybe if you didn't leave things around where a child could get them, then maybe you wouldn't have lost the first ring."

"I found it the other day," he says.

"Wow," I say taking the engagement ring from his hand. "It's beautiful... So are you gonna ask me?"

"What?" he asks taking the ring again.

"Ask me to marry you obviously," I say.

"Ah, it wasn't supposed to be like this," he shakes his head. "I had a nice proposal planned for you to remember and it was going to be really special. Not in the bedroom of our new daughter, I keep fucking up."

"You're so stupid," I laugh. "I don't care how you do it."

"Then I'll plan something," he says.

"No, now, I'm not gonna sit around like I don't know you have an engagement ring with you. You don't have to plan anything," I say grabbing his arm. "I don't care."

"Hurry up," Kasumi says holding up a phone. "Saw something to get the waterworks going, we can send it to your mom or something."

Oh my god, Kasumi.

"No, you don't need to say anything," I say. "It's gonna be embarrassing, just ask me."

"No, I have to be sappy," he says taking my hand.

"Don't get on one knee," I say looking away. "Please."

"Bird, the first time I met you, I was gonna ask you out because I thought you were the prettiest girl in the room. No, you were the prettiest girl in the room... Um, I really don't know what to say except the last four years have been the best years of my life, and I want to stay with you, I love you," he says. "I know I do stupid things and sometimes I don't listen and I have to sleep tub. But I'd sleep in the tub anytime with a smile on my face knowing that my beautiful wife was in the next room laughing to herself about it. Bird, I love you, and that's why I do the stupid things I do, will you marry me?"

Okay, my good man, you are forgiven.

"Yes, yes yes," I say excitedly. "I'll marry you, ten-time I'll marry you."

"I take it I won't be sleeping in the tub tonight?" he laughs as I pull him into a tight embrace.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I laugh.

"Okay guys," Kasumi says. "Make some room for me, I want hugs."

"Yeah of course," I say leaning over to pick her up.

"God, you sure do cry a lot," she says. "Are you depressed?"

"No, I'm quite the opposite actually," I laugh. "I love you guys."

"Hey, can I keep the other engagement ring?" Kasumi asks. "I like it."

"Yeah sure," Christopher laughs.

"You're just going to give her a ring?" I ask. "That's expensive."

"Oh it's fine," he says. "She can have it if she wants, it wasn't that expensive. The one you have is better."

This is really out here giving a diamond ring to a three-year-old. But on another note, I am engaged to the fucking sexist man alive so I really am winning.

Not for long, lol.


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