Judas was the imposter.

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Y/n's pov

"Wakatoshi, fancy seeing you here at this lovely diner," I say taking the seat across from him. "What a small world."

"I invited you two here," he says confused. "It is in fact not a small world, did Christopher hit you in the head or something of the sort?"

"I wouldn't hit her in the head," Christopher says taking a seat beside me. "Did you get hit in the head?"

"Actually, yes, I was recently hit in the head," he says. "How did you know?"

"Who hit you in the head?" I ask laughing a bit. "Was it Tendo?"

"Mother smacked the side of my head, rather harshly," he says.

"You probably deserved it," Christopher says. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything," he says.

"Yeah, of course, you didn't," I say. "Yeah, I believe you."

"Thank you," he says.

"I'm being sarcastic, now tell me what you did," I say. "I need to know, why did mom slap you?"

"I didn't say anything," he says.

"Was it about me?" I ask. "Or Christopher? I bet that it was about us."

"I said that you and Christopher remind me of a buffalo and a deer, mother said that I shouldn't refer to the both of you like wildlife," he says. "And that I should not be rude."

"I highly doubt that's all you said," I say. "What adjectives did you use?"

"Mudy, too big, and shaggy," he says. "They can be taken as compliments."

"You're just mad because he's stronger than you, and can beat you in a fight," I say. "And some mud is good for the skin."

"I could beat him in a fight," he says.

"Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble, big guy," Christopher says. "But I'd win, not to destroy your confidence or anything."

"I am feeling attacked, we should eat food and forget this conversation," Waktoshi says. "Also, guns are legal here in the United States, an interesting fact."

"Yeah, they are, and I'll shoot you," I say. "So watch yourself, I'll pull a Gabi on your ass."

"It's not kind to threaten to shoot someone," he says. "Let alone your brother."

"You're the one who brought up the guns," I say. "Also, you're paying for all the food I order."

"Why do I always have to pay for the food?" he asks. "What happed to breaking gender norms?"

"Wakatoshi, we're you talking to Semi and his hippy girlfriend again?" I ask. "And his band?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" he asks.

"Yeah... She's definitely on one," I say. "Does she happen to make those painting with her sanitary blood?"

"Yes," he says.

"Is she... Caucasian?" I ask. "One of those ones?"

"Yes, why?" he asks.

"I've associated with some Caucasians before, Azalea, and," I pause to gag. "Amelia, one is good, the other is not, I wanna punch Amelia."

"Whos' Amelia?" Wakaothsi asks. "And what did she do to you?"

"She wanted to kiss Christopher, and she pisses me off," I say. "I could go on for hours about her, damm."

"I didn't like her either," Christopher says.

"Looks it's Amelia," Wakatoshi says pointing towards the door, causing us to whip our heads around.

"What? Where?" I question looking around.

"I don't see her," Christopher looking around too.

"That was a joke, I do not even know what she looks like," he says. "I got the both of you."

"You're grounded," I say. "Go to your room."

"We are in public, I am older than you, and you can't ground me, I am an adult," he says.

"You're grounded," Christopher says. "Go to your room."

"You can't ground me, I am... I don't like you," he says.

We really did have a lovely lunch that day.



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