The peak of comedy

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Y/n's pov

"Um uh... she doesn't graduate till next week," Christopher says grabbing the closest shirt and tugging it on. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came a week early to surprise her," Tendo says. "But it looks like we're the ones waking in on a surprise, isn't that right Wakatoshi?"

"Shut up," I say. "You guys should call before you show up here."

"Did you sleep with Christopher?" Wakatoshi asks, always like him to get straight to the point.

"Well technically speaking I always sleep with Christopher because I am sleeping with everybody in this building because we all live here," I say. "So yes, yes I did sleep with Christopher."

"I'm sorry," he says. "Did you have sex with Christopher?"

"Would you believe me if I said no?" I ask.

"No I would not," he shakes his head.

"Then there's no fighting it, yes Wakatoshi, I did sleep with Christopher," I say.

"I thought that you slept with the whole apartment building?" He asks.

"Fine then Christopher and I had sex," I say leaning back into my seat. "In our room, last night."

And it was amazing.

"And why does it matter what we do together?" Christopher asks. "If we have sex or not doesn't affect you."

"I don't like you," Wakatoshi says. "At all."

"Okay and I don't really care whether you do or not," Christopher shrugs. "You're not Y/n."

"Wakatoshi don't be rude," I say. "Or I'll kick your ass, I'll kick you out of our apartment."

"This is Christopher's apartment, yours is down the hall," Wakatoshi says.

"Fine then both apartments are mine and Christopher's because we always have sleepovers," I say.

"Sleepovers you say?" Tendo asks.

"Just sleeping," I say. "Well not last night, that was mostly sleeping."

"Hey stop smiling," Wakatoshi says.

"Wakatoshi if you're just gonna give us a lecture then you can leave, it's none of your business," I sigh. "I don't harass you about what you and Tendo do."

"I have some rules," Wakatoshi says.

"Okay you can leave," I say. "I'm not in the mood to argue."

"One, I want you and Christopher to be in a relationship and refrain from casual hookups. Two... wait I don't have a two," he says. "So one rule."

"I was ready to defy any rule you'd say but why wouldn't I be dating him?" I ask.

"I don't know, but just because I want you two to date doesn't mean I like him," he says. "Mother will be just thrilled, I don't know why but she loves Christopher."

"Well, now that everything is settled you guys can go," I say. "Everything is good, everyone is happy."

"When are you guys gonna get married?" Wakatoshi asks.

"Okay I'm going back to bed," I say getting up from the couch. "Christopher can show you guys out, right?"

"Yeah I'll do that," he says. "I'll be back in a sec."

I literally can't with Wakatoshi sometimes, he's either embarrassing, a bitch or just stupid.

If you guys were dry in the comments of the past few chapters, go back now.


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