No pic because I can

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Y/n's pov

Date night with Christopher, I repeat, date night with Christopher. I'm so excited y'all.

"Wait, Christopher, where are we going?" I ask turning around to look at him sitting on our bed from the closet.

I think we've pretty much gotten settled into our apartment.

"A restaurant," he says glancing up from his phone.

"Wow, I had no idea," I say, "What kind of restaurant, like what should I wear?"

"Anything, you'll look great in anything," he says walking over to me. "Wear what you want, you'll look great."

"I need to know if I should dress up or not," I say grabbing two of his shirts that were hanging up. "Like are you going to wear a t-shirt, or this button up? I need to know, I don't want to look stupid."

"It's a sit down restaurant, so maybe wear a dress and not sneakers," he says taking both of the shirts. "I'll probably snap a few photo's of you, just for keeps."

"Okay, what colour should I wear?" I ask. "I want to look nice, I know you're going to send those to your mom or something. Also, is it messy food?"

"You are getting to worked up about this, it's not like were strangers going on a first date," he laughs. "Look, wear this green dress, it's my faviorite and theres pasta at the restaurant."

"You're right, i'm looking to far into this," I say. "We've gone to get food before."

"Exacly, you could wear a garbage bag and eat a bowl of chili with your hands and i'd still sit back with a smile knowing that you are my girlfreind," he says.

"You would not," I laugh. "You'd pretend not to know me."

"Okay, maybe if we were in public, but at home I don't care," he says. "I mean, you are a messy eater not to the extent of eating a bowl of chili with your hands. But I like waking up in the middle of the night to you eating a bowl of raviloili on the floor. And I don't mind that you drool when you sleep."

"Ugh, don't tell me that," I cringe. "Thats embarrassing, I don't need to know that I drool."

"It's cute," he laughs. "I have a photo if you want."

"No, I do not want," I say. "Did you show those to anyone?"

"Only my friends, and my mom," he says. "I have too."

"Fine, then I'm going to take embarrassing photos of you and show them to all my friends and my mom," I say.

"GO ahead," he says.

"I don't even have any," I sigh. "Get ready, were going to be late for or date."

"If you say so bird," he smiles.

Computer dumb, so I know this chapter has lots of mistakes.


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