He's back

225 20 15

Y/n's pov

'I'll call you as soon as I can'

That's what he texted me, and clearly soon didn't mean later today, or the next or the day after that, and so far not even today. But hey, he said not to worry, so why should I?

"Happy birthday!" Azalea and Bunny tell, barging into my rather empty apartment. "You're twenty!"

"That I am," I smile.

I woke up early, like a boss because I felt nauseous again.

"Where's Christopher?" Azalea asks. "Is he coming?"

"Uh, he went on a business trip, he'll be back tonight, he called me," I lie. "He'll be back."

"Well, glad to hear he's not gonna be a party pooper," Bunny laughs. "Ready to legally drink?"

"Obviously," I laugh. "I think this is gonna be my best birthday yet."

I was very wrong.


This party is so fucking loud, I swear to god I will strangle myself to death, and by now everyone's so drunk. Well, not me of course.

"Y/n," Wakatoshi said, slumping against the bar.

How long has this been going on? It's been hours by now.

"Aren't you seventeen still?" he asks. "Because this is not a place for teenagers."

Drunk Wakatoshi is just normal Wakatoshi but extra dumb and sluggish movements, really that's all that happens.

"I'm twenty," I say. "And maybe you should get a ride back home with Tendo, where ever he may be."

"Oh my god, Y/n," Bokuto says hugging me from behind. "You are glowing, did you drink enough?"

"Yep, I drank lots," I say. "And I think you have too."

Drunk Bokuto, is touchy Bokuto, he doesn't understand personal space anymore.

"Woah Bokuto, you shouldn't be feeling up on other girls," Atsumu says. "You might just catch her boyfriend's hands, but hey, it doesn't really seem like he's around."

And him, he's just gonna be even more of a bitch. I mean, who the fuck should

"So Y/n, wheres your little boyfriend off to tonight?" he asks. "He ditches you or something?"

"No, he's coming to pick me up later," I say. "He would never ditch me or leave me alone."

"There where is he?" he asks. "Maybe he's hooking up with some pretty girl, I mean, your abs are starting to disappear."

"I am not," I say crossing my arms over myself. "And you can't even tell, it's not a tight dress."

"Stop bugging her," Kei says from the bar. "Christopher doesn't take it too kindly when anyone talks shit about her. He didn't like it when he wasn't with her, so I'm sure he hates it even more now that he is."

"I'm gonna puke," I glanced over to see Azalea sprawled out on the floor, holding onto Sakusa's leg. "Take me home Dashi."

"Disgusting," he cringed before peeling her off of himself.

As for Sakusa, he's had more to drink than anyone here, but somehow he's barely even changed, Maybe just a bit more laid back, but other than that, there's nothing really wrong. And thank god Bunny's shut down just for this party thing tonight because nobody would want to see this.

"Well, I best be leaving," Atsumu says grabbing Bokuto's arm. "We've got practice, ain't that right Omi?"

"I'll call an uber, happy birthday Y/n," he says leaving with the other idiots.

Maybe this would've been a fun birthday party, but hanging out with a bunch of drunk people while you're sober and stressed isn't all that fun if you ask me.

"Y/n," Kei says.

"Hmm?" I humm looking over to him.

"I'm gonna drag Yamaguchi and Azalea back home in about half an hour, you need a ride?" he asks.

"Uh, yes please," I nod my head. "Thanks."


"Thanks again for taking me home, Kei," I say.

"Bye Y/n, I love you!" Azalea yells, sticking her head back out the window, quickly beeing pulled back in by the slightly less drunk Yamaguchi. "Call me shawty, i'm single."

"She's not," Yamaguchi says, covering her moluth, his eyes half lidded. "She is very much not."

"Bye guys," I laugh. "See you, try to sleep it off, you'll be puking in the morning."

Just like me.

"Bye Kei," Is ay.

"Bye Y/n," he says. "Call if you need anything."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "I will."

I honestly just want to go back to bed, so that's just what I did, I kicked off my heels not bothering to even change my dress. I flopped onto my bed, curling up onto my side next to a stupid Bird plush I had gotten from Christopher years ago.

I felt stupid, really stupid, and tired, really tired. But I couldn't fall asleep, but boy did I wish I was asleep when I felt the bed dip.

"Bird, you're still up?" he asked, running his hand against my leg. "You can't be comfortable in that dress."

Predictions guys. Also, Idk if she's gonna have a miscarriage, maybe.


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