Do y'all know how hard it is to keep up a 4.0 gpa...

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...and manage my club activities? Because am so close to having a break down right now.
Y/n's pov

"Happy birthday," I smile.

"Mom, my birthday was last month," Kasumi says. "Did you hit your head or something?"

"I'm talking to the twins," I say. "It's their birthday today, Kasumi."

"Oh yeah, I forgot we had these things wandering around the place," she says. "Weird. I don't like 'em all that much."

The twins are one day, guess time flies when you're a fictional character with a lazy writer... I mean, it flies when you're having fun... Anyway, everything is perfect, the twins are perfect, Kasumi is perfect, and Christopher is perfect.

"Sumi," Ichiro says grabbing onto her pant leg. "Sumi, sumi, sumi."

Ichiro is a talker, any word he can manage to pronounce, he'll be yelling it. And Youta, well, he hasn't said anything yet, but that's okay, it's normal.

"See, he can't even get my name right," she says trying not to smile. "It's Kasumi you dummie, with a 'ka'. Ka, ka, ka."

"Cat," he says quickly losing interest once shit-ling passes by.

"Look Kasumi, Ichiro won't want to play with you if you call him dumb," I say turning to fix Youta's shirt. "And Youta is never in a silly goofy mood so you'll get nowhere."

"I don't care," she says. "They both suck."

"But if you get along with them, then you can use their exclusive baby cuteness to get stuff from your dad," I say.

"Hey Ichiro, come back here," she says following behind him. "Come tell dad that you want Mcdonalds, I'll let you have my toy from the happy meal."

He made some weird blubbering noise just as Christopher walked through the front door, carrying some food.

"Taco for Bird, a happy meal for my bee and hummus for the boys," he says. "Did I miss anything?"

"Wheres Youta?" I ask.

He ran off to the playroom, I think he's trying to solve some life theory with all the scribbles he leaves on the chalkboard. And the hummus... the boys have a thing for it, it's kinda gross really. I've seen them mush their fruit into it on their plate.

"Thank you Ichirou," Kasumi says grabbing her happy meal.

"What do you mean where's Youta?" he asks. "He's here... isn't he?"

"No, you brought him with you," I say. "Where is he?"

"I didn't bring him with me," he says. "I bathed the twins, then you dressed them both, then I went to go and get food."

"No... I asked you to take Youta and so you put a jacket on him and brought him with you," I say. "Did you leave him somewhere?"

"Shit, did I?" he asks himself.


Oh great, Ichiro has gotten his second cuss, I'm so proud.

"Shit, shit, shit."

"Kasumi, give Ichiro a dry or something," I say.

"But he's eating a spoonful of hummus," she says walking out with him.

"Shit-ling, cat."

He's spoken.

"Shit-ling cat shit," he says.

"Oh my god, I thought I lost him..." Christopher pauses. "Wait... Youta?"

"Youta," I say. "Yes, shit-ling is a cat."

"Youta, that's not a good word," Christopher says. "No."

"Shit-ling shit," Youta says. "Shit."

"Good gob," I say. "Good."

"No, s-word," Christopher says. "Your first word cannot be shit."

"Shit, shit-ling, cat," he says.

"Your brother is gonna blame me for him saying this," Christopher says.

"Shit-ling shit," he says again.

"Maybe he's trying to tell us the meaning of life," I say. "Just listen."

"Mom!" Kasumi calls out. "The cat pooped in the playroom!"

Oh, shit-ling the cat shit.

"At least he's smart with it."

Okay so, it's really choppy and I skip a whole bunch of stuff like them learning how to walk because I'll put more work into the Tsukishima fic when the time comes.


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