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Y/n's pov

"Are you alright?" he asks, taking a seat at the counter, leaving a space in between us.

"No Kei, Christopher is in Flordia with his ex-girlfriend and I'm sitting here with a fucking baby, I'm getting fat," I say. "He left last minute too, and lied about where he was going."

"You're not getting fat, you're pregnant," he says setting some money on the counter. "Marigold, can you make her a double chocolate milkshake, lots of syrup."

"Yeah, sure," Marigold says.

"Do you think he's cheating on me?" I ask. "With his ex?"

"No," he says. "He'd never cheat on you."

"And how are you supposed to know that?" I ask.

"He's a nice guy, a smart guy, he's not going to do something that stupid," he says. "Don't worry."

"That's exactly what he told me, don't worry Bird," I say. "Stupid."

"He's not gonna wait years for you, just to finally be with you and then mss it up just to see some other girl," he says. "If he really was that much of a dick, he would've sent a video of some other girl giving him head."

"He's getting head from his ex?" I question. "You think he's getting head right now."

"Jesus, no," he says as Marigold slides a milkshake my way. "He's not getting any action, well I'm assuming. I don't like him, but I don't think he'd do something that bad."

"But he lied to me, about seeing his ex," I say. "In a different state, why wouldn't he tell me?'

"Well, maybe he'd be afraid you'd flip or something, so he lied," he says

"There is no way I would flip if he told me, I mean come on, I talk to you, were friends and you're my ex..." I pause. "Sorry."

"Sorry about what?" he shrugs. "We're friends who just so happened to date in high school, but before we dated-."

"We were friends, you were my best friend, my first best friend," I say.

"Yeah, whatever, the point is he is not stupid enough to throw away a chance with you for a hookup or something," he says. "And if he is, then he's gotta be a complete morron."

"So what? I should just forgive him, and let it go?" I ask.

"That's not what I'm saying," he says. "You should definitely not forgive him so easily, I mean, he lied to his pregnant fiance."

"We're not engaged," I say.

"Oh, I... I thought you were engaged, just assumed," he says. "Whatever, you should yell at him or something, he shouldn't have lied to you. Look, he's gotten you so stressed for nothing, he shouldn't do that, it's not good for his baby either."

"That another thing, don't mention it to anyone," I say. "No one knows, but you and Marigold."

"Oh wow, so I'm the special one," he says. "Christopher's not going to be too happy about me knowing before him."

"Well, it serves him right, he's being a bitch," I say. "If h doesn't tell me why the hell he went out there, I'm gonna-."

"Don't break up with him," he says. "You'll regret it, give it some time, you can work through it with him."

"Fine," I say. "Thank you for the help, I guess."

"Take it easy," he says getting up from his seat. "Don't stress yourself any more than you usually are, I'm telling you this all as a friend. By the way, Bunny and Azalea are having a party for you at her bar. If you don't mind, she asked me to work as a slave behind the counter making drinks."

"Yeah, I don't care," I say. "You can come, we've already sorted everything out."

"I'll give you non-alcoholic drinks," he says handing me a sticky note.

"What's this?" I ask. "An address?"

"Saw some girl wearing the charm bracelet, she had a cut out of us from our school newspaper years ago," he says. "Asked about you too, she had a photo of you and some lady."

"Some lady?" I ask. "Who?"

"I don't know," he says. "I'm just the messenger, I came here looking for you."

"Why didn't you just call... I'll unblock you," I say.

"Okay," he says. "So I'll see you around, take it slow, don't stress out the little guy. He might decide to break your ribs if you do."

"Who says it's a boy?" I question.

"You're moody," he laughs heading for the exit.

"I'll have you know that I am always moody," I say.

"You don't even like double chocolate milkshakes, but yet you drank it all," he says. "That's what my mom craved, only when she was pregnant. It's a boy."

"You're so damm weird sometimes," I say shaking my head. "Bye."

"See you," he says taking his leave.

Thanks, Kei, for being my friend after all this time.



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