Some of y'all asked how many weeks she was pregnant, it was 29

203 23 13

Y/n's pov

God, I hurt all over.

"Christopher, that you?" I ask opening my eyes and moving my hand which he was clutching onto.

"Oh my god," his head popped up, face looking distressed it was clear he had been crying. "I'll get the doctor, wait right here."

"No," I clung to his hand, trying to sit up.

"Don't sit up," he gently pushed me back onto the bed.

"Christopher?" I question, feeling like I'm about to cry. "Why is the room empty?"

"What?" he asks. "Do you want me to get any of your friends, family, I'll get you anything. Just tell me."

What happened?

"I'll be right back," he quickly kisses my hand before letting go to leave.

Moments later he was back with his chart and what I could only assume was another IV bag.

"You gave us a scare," the doctor says, walking into my room not looking up from his chart. "How are you feel-. You shouldn't be walking around just yet."

"Bird, what's wrong?" Christopher asks, grabbing onto my arm. "You need to rest, why are you crying, do you hurt?"

"Where are my babies? I want my babies Christopher, are they okay?" I questioned, panic setting in. "What happened, where are they?"

"Relax Bird, it's okay," he says taking my hands promoting me to sit back down onto the bed. "You were awake, Bird, they're both fine. They're small, but okay, they're in the NICU, it's fine."

"You should have started with that," I say whipping my face. "I want to see them, now, please. They're boys, right? I wanted boys."

"Yes yes, we've got two sons," he says. "They're so small."

"They're okay right?" I ask. "Nothing's going to happen to them, we can bring them home soon, well not soon but maybe a few weeks."

"From a few weeks to months," the doctor says. "We just need to cross off a few requirements before we let the babies go home, though your babies are doing very well. There seem to be no additional health problems."

"Okay," I nod my head. "Can I go and see them, can I hold them yet?"

"Not yet, but I can take you to see them right away," the doctor says. "You'll have to use the wheelchair, there was some shock to your body when you had the c0section. You were unconscious for two days."

"Two days?" I question. "Why?"

"That's why we want to keep you here for a week or two," he says. "I'll have a nurse stop by to unhook you from your IV, you can't go walking around and be careful. We don't want you ripping open your stitches."

"Okay," I nod my head. "They're healthy right? And good, are they doing good?"

"Yes Miss Ushijima, both of your sons are doing well," he assures me. "If anything we were more concerned with your health."

"Okay," I nod my head again. "You tied my tubes, right? I don't want to go through that again."

"Yes Bird," Christopher says as the doctor leaves the room. "I asked them too."

"Thank you," I say. "Is your mom still here."

"No, they all mostly went back to the states, it would be too much on you," he says. "They're all coming back in two months since that's when we assumed the babies would come. By then we'll have both boys at home, promise."

"How much do they weigh?" I ask.

"Turns out Kasumi was right with her guessing, Ichiro is three pounds fourteen ounces and Youta is three pounds on the dot," he says. "Though Ichiro is sixteen inches and Youta's seventeen."

"Youta and Ichiro?" I ask. "Those are their names?"

"Well that's what I've been calling them," he says. "Bunny told me you liked that name, but you can choose anyone you want."

"No, I like those ones," I smile. "I don't care what we call them, I'm just happy they're doing okay."

"So am I," he says kissing my forehead. "And I'm happy you're doing okay."

"So if the babies are out, why am I still big?" I ask. "Like this?"

"You are not," he says. "But if you are so so worried about your presence, you just look overly bloated."

"God, I can't believe Ichiro took all the nutrients from Youta," I say. "He's gonna be like you, a sports guy."

"That has nothing to do with it," he says. "So don't get too worked up, you get to go and see our beautiful baby boys."

I told y'all I wan't going to kill anyone.


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