I am...

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Y/n's pov

The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, the decorations, everyone's outfits, Kiyoko's dress, even Tanaka wearing a pair of volleyball sneakers as he tried to stay patient when Kiyoko was walking down the aisle. His hands fidgeted slightly and he had the widest smile on while he watched her walk down towards him.

Her dress was long and beautiful. I wonder what it's like to be in her position, maybe she was nervous, happy, but overall the both of them just looked so... so... they both just looked so...

In love.

I know that I shouldn't get too ahead of myself, but I couldn't help but let myself think about the possibilities. Would I ever get married? Would Christopher eventually ask me to marry him? Did he even think of me as wife material or maybe he just saw me as a long-term girlfriend or something like that.

Setting aside the thought of their overwhelming happiness, it was lovely and I was having a good time, well that was until I got a face full of pollen.

"My dear Y/n," Oikawa said pulling grabbing my shoulders. "You can't die under my supervision, that Christopher will surely have my pretty head on a silver platter."

"Yeah I'm fine," I say brushing off my face with the hand that wasn't holding the bouquet of flowers, wait, what?

So apparently, I wasn't paying attention to anything and somehow ended up in the spot where the flower toss was occurring.

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/n," Kiyoko says walking over to me. "Didn't mean for it to get anyone in the face, but it looks like it's yours."

"Don't worry about it," I say straightening out the bouquet a bit. "Beautiful wedding, congratulations. And thank you so much for the invite."

"Y/n haven't seen you in a hot minute," Tanaka says slinging his arm around me. "Look, I finally got the girl and it only took four years of waiting."

Hands off this girl baldy," Oikawa says. "Her new guy could take on ten of you. Plus, you won't want to make your pretty wife jealous."

"Okay, you can lay off Toru," I say. "Don't make Christopher sound scary."

"Y/n, who are you going to marry?" Noya asks running over to me. "Got any special man in mind?"

"Just because I catch a bouquet doesn't mean I'm going to be getting married anytime soon," I say looking down at it. "I'm not going to get ahead of myself. And I think I need a drink."

"No underage drinking," Oikawa says. "Not on my watch."

"Y/n, did you eat yet?" Bunny asks. "You should eat something."

"Yes, I ate when everybody else did," I say. "Don't worry about me."

"We can't help but worry," Azalea wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Our little baby is growing all up."

"I'm not a baby, and even if I was, I'm not yours," I say glancing down at my phone. "You guys are crazy."

"Oh look at this," Bunny says snatching my phone from my hand. "Two-year memory with Christopher I see. You were out at the mall, how cute."

"Guys, don't go through my phone," I say trying to grab it back.

"Oh my god look," Bunny says shoving the phone in Oikawa's face. "Look what Christopher sent her. Look at how cute she looks, all dressed up getting ready to graduate high school early."

"No more," I laugh taking my phone back. "You guys are embarrassing me."

"We can't help it," Azalea says. "It's just too much fun."

"I'm going to go and get some air, it's stuffed in here," I say excusing myself from the group. "Catch up with you guys later, I need to recover from having some of the most chaotic people I know together."

Now I had gotten my own chance to look through my Snapchat memories with Christopher. Now I kind of feel bad because he really did look like he loved me so much, I kept him waiting for too long. I was so absorbed in my head I didn't even register when someone came outside as well.

"Y/n, I want to talk to you," Kei says. "In private this time."

"If it's going to be arguing then I'd rather not," I say turning my head away from him.

This could get messy.



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