Epic troll on your mom

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Y/n's pov

I am having a terrible day. I hate it here so much.

"My life is going to shit," I cry scrubbing my face. "How am I supposed to take care of three kids Kei?"

I had to call Kei to pick me up, all my friends were out drinking so I can't get them up, and I really didn't want to call Christopher. So I had to call Kei in the middle of the night.

"I can hardly wrap my head around everything you just told me," he says handing me a bag of McDonald's. "What, does that kid have a sibling or something?"

"I wish I wasn't even pregnant," I say. "I can't take care of kids, I'm twenty, it's too soon."

"You're stressed out right now," he says. "Think about what you want, what were you feeling before he left, did you feel the same as you did before?"

"Well no," I say digging in the bag for some fries. "I was excited, even though I was unsure, I was kinda happy until he fucked off to his girlfriend's house."

"Ex," he says. "His ex-girlfriend, you are his girlfriend."

"What am I supposed to do now?" I question. "I can't abandon Kasumi, and I'm too young, I don't know."

"I think you're mature enough, which is something I'd never imagined saying to you," he says. "But you have an apartment, a really good job, and a loving boyfriend."

"Yeah, a loving boyfriend who lies to me and goes to see his ex," I say. "That's fucking stupid."

"Lisen, if he was doing anything with his ex, why would he go all the way to the states just to cheat?" he asks. "Also, if he wanted to chat with some girl in Florida, he woulda told you that he thinks the both of you should move to Florida. Why go through the trouble, last minute too. Why wouldn't he hide it from that Victoria girl? He's not cheating or else Victoria would've said something to you, girl code or something."

"Yeah, you're right," I run my hands through my hair. "But I still don't know what to do."

"Give me your phone," Kei says pulling over and holding out his hand.

"What? Why?" I question.

"Just do it," he says. "And eat your food."

"Whatever," I say handing him my phone, moments later, he's making a call.

"Hi Christopher, I'm with your girlfriend right now," he says.

"Do not call him," I say trying to grab the phone. "I'm mad at him, he's a bitch who doesn't listen to me."

"No I'm not bringing her home, she got into a small car accident she got a few stitches too," he says.

"Kei, stop it," I say.

"Yes that's her," he pauses. "No, you can't talk to her... Because I said... Yes, I make the rules when I'm in my own car... Well obviously she'll still mad at you, you lied to her... I don't care if you're sorry, what am I supposed to do with your apology? No, I'm not giving her the phone."

"Kei, what is he saying?" I ask. "Tell me."

"Tell me why you went to see your ex," he says. "If you don't I'll..."

"You know fucking Spanish!?" I question. "Since when?"

"Extra credit course," he shrugs.

After he said something that seemed to get Christopher angry.

"Hey, why is he yelling?" I ask. "What did you say to him."

"Nothing he didn't deserve," he says. "Just eat your food.

They seemed to argue for a good fifteen minutes before Kei said his last few words.

"You're stupid, like really stupid, I'll take her home next week," he says. "Get your shit under control before you're a father of three."

Then he hung up.

"What was all that about?" I question.

"He told me why he went to Flordia, he lost something and he needed to get a new one," he says. "You have nothing to worry about, he loves you, a lot. So just focus on your baby."

"Babies..." I say.

"Well, I'd hardly consider that three-year-old a baby," he says.

"No, twins."

Lol moment.


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