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Y/n's pov

"Good morning Brid, you're looking good today," Christopher says as I open my eyes.

"I'm gonna puke," I say.

"What? You are always looking good," he says.

"No, like, I think I'm gonna actually puke," I say sitting up. "Give me a minute."

Wow, I really am such a hottie, sprinting off to the bathroom in the morning to puke. Really, where does my beauty end? I'd hate to keep it all to myself.

"Bird, are you okay?" Christopher asked, holding my hair back. "Do you think it was the food?"

"Go, away," I managed to say.

Because I really don't want him around while I'm a mess.

"I'm not going to go away while you're sick," he says. "I need to take care of you."

So that's how I spent my morning, with my head in a toilet bowl, pretty classy if you ask. But on the bright side, after I had sent Christopher off to get some gravel I felt fine. I guess I can be happy it was just a puking spell.

"Are you feeling any better?" Christopher asks walking towards me, setting the bag on the counter. "You look better."

"Oh, I'm great," I say before going back to my breakfast. "I think I was just hungry, but I'm good now."

"I don't think that's how throwing up works," he says. "Maybe you shouldn't be eating so much right after puking."

"Who cares how much I eat," I say. "I'm feeling better, do you want some ravioli."

"No, I'm good on the ravioli," he says. "Are you sure you're feeling better, not even half an hour earlier you were puking your guts out?"

"Guess what's happening in one week," I say. "And don't say Halloween because that's a little bit more than a week away."

"Well of course I know that it's your birthday, I couldn't forget that," he says. "There's gonna be somewhat of a party at Bunny's bar, right?"

"Yup, so I've gotta go over to Matigolds to talk to Marigold," I say getting up from my seat. "I'll see you later."

"Really? You're not feeling sick at all?" he asks. "You're good to go?"

"Yup," I say quickly putting on some shoes and grabbing the trash. "Also, I'm taking the trash out."

"It's not full," he says. "I can take it out later."

"It's fine," I say. "I've gotta go."

"Aren't you going to change your clothes?" he asks. "I mean, there's nothing wrong with pyjama's but still."

"Bye-bye," I say quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll see you later."

"Uh, bye," he says waving me off.

Now, why am I in a rush? That is a good question that I'm almost sure I have to answer to, I may be dumb but not dumb enough not to put small details together.

Can't wait for her to be sad.


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