Okay, I messed up the timeline thing but don't talk about it

228 23 19

Y/n's pov

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm going to be just fine.

"Hi Marigold," I say walking past her into the back room. "I need to use your restroom."

"Hey, there is a restroom for the common folk," she says. "You are the common folk."

"I know you always have that bathroom stalked full of anything a girl could need," I say. "I just need some stuff, it's an emergency."

"You need a condom and you come all the way to my cafe?" she asks. "Go to the corner store, or ask your boyfriend."

"Well," I say opening the bathroom door. "All I can say is that I think it's a lit late for one of those."

"What? You need a plan b?" she asks. "I think you'd be fine with a kid, but your body."

"Yeah, that would've worked three months ago," I say. "Just let me make sure it's a false alarm."

"Oh my," she says. "Well, have fun in there."


Y'know, that was the longest time I ever spent in the bathroom, well one of the longest times.

"Hi Marigold," I say walking out. "Hi."

"Hi Y/n," she says. "How are you?"

"Hi marigold," I say taking a seat on the couch beside her.

"Congratulations I guess," she says. "You're gonna be a mom."

"Um, yes," I say. "Well so long as the three tests I took aren't lying, then yes, I am going to be a mom."

"Well, good luck with that," she says. "I'm sure Christopher will be thrilled, he seems like the type who'd love to be a dad."

"Yes, I'm sure he would," I nod my head.

"You don't look so happy," she says. "Do you want a kid?"

"Um, I don't know," I say getting up. "I think I need to get some air, if Christopher stops by, tell him I ran to the store."

"Why would he feel the need to stop by?" she asks.

"I was puking this morning," I say. "And was acting oddly suspicious about everything, oh god, Marigold I'm gonna t have a baby. I think I'm going to actually cry."

"Happy tears or sad tears?" she asks.

"I would be a terrible mom," I say. "Like, really bad."

"You'll be fine, just talk to Christopher," she says. "Things will be fine."

"I don't know, what if he freaks out or something?" I ask. "What if he thinks it's way too early to even think about having a kid, and I'm still a teenager technically."

"For a week," she says. "You have a job, a loving boyfriend who's been with you for years, and you've got a nice place to live. You will be fine."

"Marigold, I'm scared," I say.

"Oh calm down, it's not like he's going to leave you," she shakes her head. "He's going to be with you twenty-four-seven, just go home and tell him."

"Yeah, of course," I say. "He's not going to leave me or anything."


"Bird, I've got to go," he says the moment I walk back into the apartment.


My dick is fifty shades of ur mom's lipstick.


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