Follow the insta, @crouton333 and I won't kill anyone in the story

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Y/n's pov

I still don't like being pregnant, I'm never doing this again, ever. And I told Christopher that he's only getting these kids and it's done, he doesn't mind though. It's actually a hate crime I still feel sick sometimes, one is not supposed to still be feeling nauseous after this long. Oh yeah, I'm now seven months pregnant and I look like a whale, though everyone says I look fine. I can't even sit in the booths at Margilds cafe anymore, I have to sit at the table like a commoner, gross.

"Okay, so you're baby shower is this weekend," Azalea says. "God, I'm so excited, I want kids."

"Same," Bunny nods her head. "Also, we've got all the weird foods you like."

"Thanks, guys," I say. "I love you guys, and I just want these guys out."

"Why are you so convinced that they're boys?" Azalea asks. "Did you secretly find out their genders and not tell us."

"Because of the chocolate milkshake," I say pointing to my glass. "And they're assholes who like to kick me, if they aren't boys I'll be surprised."

"Makes sense," she nods her head. "I get it, plus you've already got a girl so having some sons would be fun."

"Two more months until we get to meet them," Bunny smiles. "I'm so excited, I can't wait to see their cute little faces."

Yeah, Bunny's actually been pretty excited about the babies, more than me, but don't tell anyone that.

"Have you thought of any names?" Azalea asks. "Or are you leaving that up to Christopher."

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug. "I kinda like Ichiro, I didn't tell Christopher because then he'd be overly excited and annoying. He said that he likes Ren, Satoshi and Youta."

"So which ones do you like out of those?" Bunny asks. "You get to pick two names, even better."

"It doesn't really matter to me," I shrug. "As long as their Japanese names, I have no preference."

"You're an easy pregnant lady," Bunny says. "He should feel lucky to have you as his future wife. Also, when are you two thinking of getting married?"

"Once the twins are one I guess," I say. "Then I'll look less gross and they can walk a bit, and eat some real food. But not too much."

"Did you go to any birthing classes?" Azalea asks. "Like with Christopher?"

"Ew, no," I shake my head. "He wanted to, but I don't need to learn how to breathe with a whole bunch of other people there. I swear, I better get jacked up with pain meds because I do not want to feel the pain of giving birth, just no."

"What about your nipple piercings?" Bunny asks. "Are you gonna have to take those out?"

"Nah, since my hormones are fucked I'm bottle feeding them," I shrug. "I'll but them the expensive shit, it's better for me to bottle feed them anyway. Then Christopher can hold the other."

"Makes sense, makes sense," she nods her head. "I can't wait till they're here."

"Me too," Azalea smiles.

"Same here," Marigold says. "I like kids."

"You seem like the last person who would like kids," I say. "You like them so much, you can babysit them."

"Okay, but only when they're three and up," she says. "If they can't handle a smack on the head, I don't want them. And no, I do not hit kids, I just don't supervise them."

"Makes sense, you can watch them," I say. "Also, do you have pickles back there?"

"Yes, only because of you," she says. "Those babies are going to have some weird tastes."

"Good," I say. "They can be just like me."

Does anyone care if the babies come in like two or three chapters?


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