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Y/n's pov

"Lovely car ride isn't it?" I ask looking out the window.

"It is," he says. "You wanna drive?"

"I don't have my licence yet," I say threading my fingers together. "And unless you want to die, then I don't think you want me to drive either."

"I don't mind," he says. "I trust you."

"It's illegal," I say. "And you already took me to a bar, double homicide."

"You've driven before, you're just too scared to go and actually take the test," he laughs pulling over. "Come on, it'll be fine."

"Nah, I'm gonna crash the car," I say. "Like actually crash it, no jokes this time around."

"Why? You nervous about something?" he asks. "Don't wanna drive?"

"I am not nervous about anything," I say taking off my seat belt. "I wanna drive, I love driving, I can drive anytime anywhere."

"Then let's see," he laughed getting out of the car, to switch seats with me.

"Oh no, the seat is too far away from the steering wheel," I say. "Guess I can't drive, poor me."

"All good," he says reaching over to pull the seat forward. "Now feel free to drive, that is if you're up to it."

"Yeah, I'm so good at driving," I say placing my hands on the steering wheel. "Better than you."

"Then show me just how good you are," he says. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

I started driving really slowly, like super slow, and I almost shit my pants. About ten minutes in I was good and ready to have a breakdown, but not because I'm crazy, because of Christopher.

"Watch out!" he shouted.

Then I screamed, jerk.

"Sorry, thought I saw a pretty girl over there," he laughs. "Guess it was just your reflection."

"I hope a tortoise bites of your dick," I roll my eyes, punching his arm. "You can't do that."

"If anything it'll be a Bird," he laughs, harder this time. "And even if there was something you're going to slow to actually cause some damage."

"Doesn't matter, I could've gone crazy and swerved off the road," I say. "You're crazy."

"Relax, I'd never let you get into a crash, or hurt," he says. "Don't look so stressed out."

"It was still scary," I say. "Very scary."

"It's because you were too tense," he says. "I'll drive now, okay?"

"Yes please," I say taking off my seatbelt and getting out of the car. "And I am not tense, you're tense."

"Nope, I'm fine," he says fixing the seat again, I do the same on my side. "That was rather entertaining."

"Og course it was," I say. "I'm not driving again."

"Okay, okay," he says. "Promise I won't make you drive anymore, I'll take you anywhere you need to go."

"Good," I say. "Thank you."

"So, are you going to tell me what's been bothering you?" he asks. "You're tense."

"Nothing overly terrible," I say. "Don't worry."

"Come on Bird, you can tell me," he says.

"Why didn't you get jealous?" I ask. "At the club, bar thing, whatever it's called. You didn't say anything."

"I prefer not to give public reactions unless you really want them," he says. "Didn't want to be the buzzkill."

"I don't care how you react," I say. "I was just wondering."

"I do get jealous," he says. "Really jealous."

"You don't act it," I say. "I thought you had a short temper."

"I do, but I don't want to pop a fuse," he laughs. "Unless that's what you're into."

"Hmpf," I cross my arms looking forward. "We're almost home right?"

"Yup," he says. "Almost there."



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