I am basically a comedian at this point

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Y/n's pov

"Woah, woah, Bird, don't look so worried," he says brushing some hair out of my face. "It's not like I'm leaving forever, though I have to leave pretty soon. I know it's last minute, and I'm sorry."

Oh thank god, I thought my life was gonna actually be over.

"Oh yeah, of course," I nod. "So where are you going?"

"Um... Jersey, I've gotta go there tomorrow morning," he says. "I know it's sudden I know."

"Can I come with you?" I ask. "To jersey?"

"Uh... It won't really be any fun for you," he says. "I'll be back soon anyway, can you hold down the fort while I'm gone?"

"Well yeah," I laugh. "I can manage... So what's so urgent, did something happen? Your mom lives out in Jersey right?"

"Yeah, she does but it's not with my mom, don't worry," he says. "You've got nothing to worry about."

"Why would I need to worry?" I ask.

"I just said that you don't need to," he says. "So don't."

"Usually when someone has to assure another person not to worry, there is something to worry about," I say.

"If there was something you'd need to worry about, I'd tell you," he smiles. "I promise, so what was it you needed to talk to me about?"

"Oh it's nothing," I say. "We can talk when you get back from jersey, don't worry it's a good thing."

"A good thing?" he asks. "A surprise?"

"Well you could say it's a surprise, but I think it's good," I say. "I think you'll like it, I mean I like it."

"What? Now I wanna know," he says. "Come on, tell me. I'm not good with waiting."

Well, this really isn't something you'd want me to tell you before left the country.

"Why wouldn't I want to know right before I left the country?" he asks. "Are you sure it's not something scary?"

"Kinda scary, but good scary, well I think," I say. "I didn't mean to say that outloud anyway."

"Come on Bird, I want to know now," he says. "I can't wait."

"You can wait," I say. "I mean you'll have to wait even longer after I tell you, so don't worry."

"Hmm, okay," he says. "Anyway, since I'm heading off tomorrow morning, let me cook you something, sound good?"

"Sounds perfect," I say. "So what were you thinking?"

"Anything you want," he says. "We can grab sushi if you want."

I don't think I'm supposed to eat raw fish, and something about sushi right now makes me want to puke.

"I want breakfast sandwiches, on English muffins," I say. "With cheese and eggs and lots of butter, no meat though, oh and orange juice and ginger ale."

"Okay," he nods his head. "I guess I'll be making a trip to the grocery store, I thought you didn't like English muffins."

"They sound good today," I say. "So off to the grocery store we go, I should also grab some other groceries too. Y'know, easy things to cook so I don't mess up."

"Yeah, of course," he says. "Let me grab my keys."

"Okay, I'll be waiting," I say watching head off to our shared room. "Oh wait, you've got a-."

Since when did he change his password on his phone.

"What were you saying, Bird?" he asks, keys in hand.

"Um, I think you got a text," I say holding out his phone to him. "That's all."

"Oh, uh, what did it say?" he asks. "Did you read it?"

"I don't know what it said, it didn't say on the screen," I say.

"Oh okay," he says slipping his phone into his pocket. "Ready?"

"Aren't you gonna answer that text?" I ask.

"She can wait," he shrugs, turning away to head towards the door.

"What?" I ask.

"I said he can wait, it's Mateo," he says.

"Um, okay," I say following behind him.

I wonder what could possibly go wrong now, any guesses?


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