Oh yeah, I've been writing on my phone since Saturday

490 42 13

That's why my grammar and spelling has been extra trash lately
Y/n's pov

Did I really just almost have sex with Christopher last night? And am I dating this guy now? Oh my god...

"You saw me naked!" I gasp turning over to him.

"Mhm," he nods his head draping his arm over me. "That I did."

"Well that's embarrassing," I say. "Try to forget that."

"No, I think I'll just let that play in my mind all day long," he smiles.

"I can't believe I did that," I groan.

"Did what?" He asks.

"Can we just forget everything that happened last night?" I ask. "Please."

"You mean like everything?" He asks looking worried.

Oh shit, I probably sounded like a bitch.

"No no, I mean just I... I was super awkward," I say. "Forget the awkwardness, that part was bad. I just can't believe that I was actually able to sorta be a decent person and tell you how I feel even though I think I may have friend-zoned you like once or twice..."

"More than that Bird, and it hurt so much," he says dramatically sticking out his bottom lip to frown. "Tragic really."

"Hey don't say it like that, I didn't mean to," I say. "You're gonna make me feel bad."

"Relax in just joking," he laughs. "I don't mind being friend-zoned."

"Well obviously I won't be friend-zoning you again, since we are a nice happy couple now," I say propping my head up on the palm on my hand. "Isn't that right Chrissy?"

"Don't call me Chrissy, please," he says. "Chris is fine."

"Christopher then," I say. "Like always."

"Why don't you ever call me Chris?" He asks.

"And why don't you ever call me Y/n?" I ask. "Considering it is my actual name."

"First I knew you as Ashley then Bird and then Y/n," he says. "Ashley's a no-go, so Bird is next in line."

"That sounds like something I'd say," I squint my eyes. "So I guess it's valid."

"Anyways, when do you think we should tell your brother?" He asks. "I mean since he hates me and all that Jazz."

"Maybe when he's on his death bed," I nod my head. "Or love use an ouija board after the fact."

"Somehow I don't see that as a possibility," he laughs. "I don't want to keep you a secret."

"Hmm, fine," I say. "But I wanna tell him after I graduate, so like a month tops. You good with that."

"Yeah that's fine," he nods his head.

"Do you think him or my mom will take it better?" I ask.

"Oh definitely your mom," he says.

"Why though?" I ask.

"Because I asked your mom for permission to ask you out last year," he lets out an awkward laugh. "And she wished me good luck but said it'd be fine. And then when I spoke to William he said that I'd better wrestle down an Ushijima before they become a CEO or take on a position of power."

"Oh so you had to wrestle me down did you?" I question sitting up. "Who says I'm beat."

"I never said that you're beat," he says brushing some hair out of my face. "Just that you're mine now, not in some creepy possessive way though. In an I love you and I'm happy that I get to be with you kinda way."

"Thank you for specifying that it's not in a creepy way," I laugh. "Because that's where I was totally going to think that."

"Can't blame me," he says hooking a finger under my chin. "It's hard to tell what you think sometimes."

"Are we about to kiss right now?" I ask.

"Well that was the plan, Bird," he laughs.

Hi guys.


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