Does anyone remember when the twins were born?

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Y/n's pov

"Say asshole."

"Bird, what are you doing to the twins?" Christopher asks.

"Nothing," I say. "I'm bonding with them like the good mother I am."

They are two months now, and I need to teach them to expand their vocabulary before our apartment is packed full of people wanting to meet the babies.

"By teaching them cuss words?" he asks, laughing. "Plus they aren't even old enough to be talking yet."

"Then it doesn't matter," I say. "They won't learn them."

"Which one do you think will learn to talk first?" he asks. "Youta or Ichiro?"

"Definitely Youta," I say picking him up. "He listens more, Ichiro is loud and he cries. Youta's gonna have to talk first so he can tell him off."

"Makes sense," he says.

"Get Ichiro, he's gonna be sad if he stays in his crib," I say. "Look, he's sad."

"You're more attached to them than I am," he smiled. "It's cute."

"I am not," I say. "I'm just being responsible. I love them, but not that much."

"Don't lie to yourself, you adore them," he laughs scooping up Ichiro.

Wow, he's a hot dilf. There's a lot I could say about him, but I'll refrain from that.

"Okay, but it's impossible not to adore them," I smile. "Oh my god Christopher, he smiled at me. Did you see it? He loves me. Hi Youta, I'm your mom and I promise not to be too mean. And look this gorgeous man over here is Christopher, your dad. He's not even going to be mean to you, he likes annoying people."

"I love you," he says quickly kissing my cheek.

"See that boys, he loves me," I say. "Cry all you want and he'll be fine."

"Don't tell them to cry all the time," he says. "They cry enough, just like you."

"I'll kick you where it hurts and give you something to cry about," I say. "Youta, should I kick your dad?"

Ichiro over there laughed, like a boss.

"Of course you think that funny," Christopher says. "It's not going to be funny when I'm dead and Bird is going to forget to feed you."

"I would never," I say. "I'm not that terrible, plus, if he was hungry he'd spend all his time crying, I'd fix it."

"I'm just joking," he laughs. "You take care of them just fine."

"The boys look Korean, they've got those Korean eyes," I say. "Don't you think?"

"Bird, they've got the same eyes as you," he says. "Are you Korean?"

"Maybe," I shrug. "Don't know what I am, just stupid maybe. Sometimes I forget that I'm adopted so I assume I'm just Japanese, but probably not. Maybe I'm Korean and American."

"Maybe," he says.

"We should go to Korea when the twins are bigger," I say. "I think it'll be fun, oh and we can take them to the states and all that. Kasumi will have so much fun too."

"Yeah, and we should go to Mexico," he says. "Just the two of us first, it'll be fun. Cancun is beautiful."

"Mmm, we can go after we get married," I say. "Oh wait I've just got the most genius idea in my life."

"Shoot," he laughs.

"After the twins turn one we get married, then we fly to the states with the kids, leave the kids with your mom because she's totally going to want to keep them for a bit. Then, we fly to Cancun by ourselves, go back to get the kids then fly back home to Japan," I say. "Boom, I'm so smart."

"How long would we spend in Cancun?" he asks.

"Uh, I don't know, two weeks maybe," I say. "If your mom wants to hang around with children for that long."

"Two weeks with you, along," he laughs. "Sounds perfect."

"Two weeks of listening to you speak Spanish," I smile. "Sounds perfect."

"You should learn some Spanish," he says. "And we should teach the twins Spanish, I'm already teaching Kasumi some."

"I don't need no Spanish," I say.

"I'll teach you anyway," he says. "It'll be good."

"I'm gonna sound weird, do you hear how weird I sound when I speak English?" I question. "You sound perfect in any language."

"I like the way you talk," he says. "So shh."

"Hey but I sound completly-Ow!" that ass pulled my hair, and not Christopher, Ichiro. "Christopher, don't let him come close to my hair, he just pulled it. Did you see that little bastard, he's a rager."

"Don't talk badly about yourself then," he laughs. "Then maybe he won't yank your hair."

"Youta and I are going to watch the real housewives of New Jersey," I say. "Because apparently everybody else here is broken, Youta and I are the only normals. And maybe Kasumi, but she's at her skate meet so she doesn't count."

"We'll come and watch it with you," he says.

"No, you two and go and sit in the bathtub," I say. "Change him too, he smells sour like funky."

I didn't put a photo because some girls I know are sitting behind me at the library and they do not need to see me scrolling through pictures of anime characters.


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