I got an 60/69 on my chem final, nice

228 20 13

Y/n's pov

"This isn't really how I imagined my first ultrasound," I mutter. "So, are you like the pregnancy doctor."

"No, I'm just an ultrasound technician," he says. "Making sure that everything is alright."

"I've never watched an ultrasound before," Kasumi says. "Also, your stickers look cool, so don't be sad."

It's not the first time I got stitches on my face, this time it was just three small stitches, not bad.

"So how many months along are you?" he asks, putting that cold jelly shit on my stomach.

"Um, like two and a half, almost three I think," I say. "I'm not really sure."

"Ok..." he nods his head. "This may be an odd question, but do you tend to carry more weight on your stomach before getting pregnant, it's just your stomach is larger than I would have expected for such little time."

Is this doctor calling me fat right now?

"No, I tend to carry my weight on my legs," I say. "Why?"

"Just wondering," he says. "And look there is your baby."

Ew, it looks like a blob.

"Smaller than I thought," he nods his head moving the stuck shit or whatever you use for ultrasounds around.

"Well I don't even look pregnant at all," I say. "It just looks like I've been gaining weight."

"Mhm," he nods his head. "I'll be right back, just give me a moment."

"Is something wrong?" I ask, shifting slightly. "With the baby?"

"No no, everything seems to be just fine," he assures me. "I'll be right back."

"Okay mom," Kasumi says. "Read the letter my dead mom left to you."

"I am not your mom," I say. "And grab it from my bag please."

"You have to be," she says handing the letter off to me. "No choices here."

"Whatever," I say opening the letter.


There is no telling whether or not you'll remember by the time you've received this letter, no telling how old you'll be, or if you've got a family of your own. I surely do hope you find it somewhere to understand where I am coming from.

As I'm writing this letter to you, I have Kasumi sound asleep beside me, she was born four days ago, February 18th. I had already made up my mind the day her father returned on the 14th. I didn't want her to be tied to me s she grew up, hence the reason I gave her your last name, I apologize.

My husband, Ito Haru who you have met is not a nice man. He had been sharing photos of you to some people here in Tokyo where I live, his friends I suppose. I hope he didn't harm you, the fourteenth I threatened to send the police to his locations if he didn't come back home, I hope you are okay. I was a coward for not speaking out about his abuse, now it is too late, I fear for my daughters' safety.

So, I will leave tonight, not out down but I will move onto the next life, taking him with me. I ask that you please take care of my daughter, she needs a mother, I've entrusted everything to you in my will.

Truly, I am sorry.

-Ito Ayumi'

Well fuck.

"Why am I just getting this now?" I ask. "If it was in her will they should have said something to me."

"They never found her will," she says. "And the letter was in the box of my stuff, I waited to give it to you."

"Oh god," I say. "I have to bring this to a lawyer."

"You have to keep me," she says grabbing my hand. "They're gonna put me in a home with strangers, you have to, please Y/n please. I'll be good, I'll clean and do anything, please."

"Kasumi, I am nowhere near ready to take care of a kid," I say.

"Well, you have to be, because you're already having a baby," she says. "You have to take care of two kids."

"Kasumi, I can't," I sigh. "I can visit you, play games and talk with you but raising kids is really hard."

"You have to," she says squeezing my hand. "Please, you need to look after two kids, it's okay."

Guys, hand over your predictions, right now. Also, feel free to leave some for the Tsuki path, just specify lmao.


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